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Culture Support Grant Expression of Interest (available until end of 8 November 2024)

Revenue grant

Expressions of interest are invited for revenue grants up to a maximum of £10,000 with a 20% applicant contribution, subject to a minimum grant of £5,000. Projects MUST be capable of being delivered and grants paid out by 31st March 2025.

For example:

Example of a project application for a revenue grant
Total Project Cost£10,000
Applicant contribution£2,000 (20%)
Grant contribution£8,000 (80%)

What the grant can support

  • seed funding for arts, heritage and cultural programmes and attractions to extend the reach and impact of organisations in the Borough and encourage participation and activity in the community and wider public.
  • arts, heritage and cultural activities and events
  • staff costs (including salary, travel, or subsistence)
  • non-statutory training or accreditations
  • most ongoing normal business costs and overheads related to the project

What the grant cannot support

  • paying-off debts or refinancing
  • the purchase of stock or land
  • research and development costs
  • financial investments
  • costs associated with a statutory or legislative requirement for the organisation
  • staff time or consultancy fees related to time spent working on the application form or other application documents
  • purchase of buildings or rental fees for leased premises
  • aid for lobbying, entertaining, petitioning or challenging decisions, which means using the UKSPF to lobby (via an external firm or in-house staff) in order to undertake activities intended to influence, or attempt to influence, Parliament, government or political activity (including the receipt of UKSPF funding); or attempting to influence legislative or regulatory action
  • payments for activities of a party-political or exclusively religious nature
  • VAT reclaimable from HMRC
  • gifts, or payments for gifts or donations
  • statutory fines, criminal fines, or penalties
  • payments for works or activities are fully funded by other sources
  • contingencies and contingent liabilities
  • dividends
  • costs resulting from the deferral of payments to creditors
  • costs involved in winding up a company
  • legal expenses in respect of litigation
  • costs incurred by individuals in setting up and contributing towards private pension schemes
  • payments that breach or are contrary to the funding agreement or UK legislation
Last modified on 01 May 2024

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