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Questions from Landlord meeting (26 November 2024) list of questions raised and answers during the Landlord Forum at Great Yarmouth Borough Council on 26 November 2024.
Great Yarmouth Borough Council seeks feedback on its final draft Local Plan Yarmouth Borough Council has published its final draft Local Plan and is inviting people to provide feedback ahead of the plan's submission to the Governm...
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a '£ per sqm' charge on new development to fund infrastructure needed to support growth of housing, employment, leisure and transport identified in the l...
Council remains vigilant as Storm Darragh brings risk of erosion to beach and dunes high winds and tides predicted over the next few days, Great Yarmouth Borough Council is offering advice to people in the Marrams in Hemsby whose homes cou...
Pay policy statement 2024-25 - Appendix A structure for 2024-25
Anti-social behaviour injunction sees man banned from Great Yarmouth Town Centre and Gorleston High Street man who prompted numerous complaints about his anti-social behaviour has been banned from the centre of Great Yarmouth and Gorleston High Street.
Almost 100 people attend landlords' forum event at Great Yarmouth Town Hall 100 people attended an event at Great Yarmouth Town Hall for landlords to hear updates and share their thoughts about the private rental sector.
Mutual exchange
Man is fined for illegally fly tipping wardrobe in Great Yarmouth 32-year-old man has been fined £200 after he was captured on CCTV dumping a broken-up wardrobe in the centre of Great Yarmouth.
Great Yarmouth Borough Council Landlord Forum Agenda forum is an opportunity for you to meet with other landlords, agents, and council staff.
Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2024-2029 strategy sets out the Council's priorities for preventing and tackling anti-social behaviour (ASB) for the next five years, with the aim of ensuring that r...
Visit Great Yarmouth Festival of Bowls raises hundreds of pounds for charity enthusiasts who competed in the popular four-week Visit Great Yarmouth Festival of Bowls 2024 have helped raise hundreds of pounds for charity.