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Coronavirus: latest updates

Staying safe

The government has removed remaining domestic restrictions in England but there are still steps you can take to reduce the risk of catching and spreading COVID-19.

This includes:

  • Get vaccinated
  • Let fresh air in if meeting indoors, or meet outside
  • Consider wearing a face covering in crowded, enclosed spaces

Most free public testing for COVID-19 has also now finished, but private tests are available from pharmacies and other suppliers.

As well as the information on these pages, further advice is available on the following websites: 

Support for residents

The Council is part of Norfolk's multi-agency operational response, with partners at Norfolk County Council and the voluntary sector, ensuring people continue to get the help they need during challenging times. Whether you are a clinically vulnerable person, need help to self-isolate or perhaps need financial help owing to changes in employment, you can call 0344 800 8020 or complete the My Norfolk Social Care online form (opens new window) for assistance.

You can also find details below of some of the support schemes available.

Household Support Fund

The Council has been allocated Department of Work and Pensions funding by Norfolk County Council to support older people, eg households where a resident(s) has reached pension age, with essential utility bills, food or to meet other essential living costs at this time where many households are experiencing increases in fuel and cost of living prices.

We may be able to help with other emergency needs or advice depending on individual households circumstances. If you or your household are in need of support please contact us using the contact information below.

To apply please email or telephone the Council's Community Helpline on 0808 196 2238.

Norfolk Assistance Scheme

Residents can also access assistance through Norfolk County Council and the Norfolk Assistance Scheme for help with living costs. Please visit the Norfolk County Council website's help with living costs section which has more information about support available for those struggling with everyday costs.

Residents can access a range of assistance directly through the Norfolk Assistance Scheme with things like:

  • daily living expenses
  • food
  • fuel
  • household items - fridge, cooker etc
  • school uniforms/school meals
  • essentials like toiletries and nappies

Visit the Norfolk Assistance Scheme (NAS) (opens new window) pages from Norfolk County Council or call 0344 800 8020 to find out more.

Help for clinically vulnerable people

Clinically vulnerable people have a medical condition that makes them extremely vulnerable to coronavirus. If you are a vulnerable person, visit the vulnerable people support page (opens new window) from Norfolk County Council or call 0344 800 8020.

COVID-19 vaccination programme

The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. They give you the best protection against COVID-19.

The vaccines are widely available, based on people's age and health status:

  • Everyone aged 5 and over can get a 1st and 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • People aged 16 and over, and some children aged 12 to 15, can also get a booster dose.
  • People aged 12 and over who had a severely weakened immune system when they had their first 2 doses, will be offered a 3rd dose and a booster (4th dose).
  • People aged 75 and over, people who live in care homes for older people, and people aged 12 and over who have a weakened immune system, will be offered a spring booster in 2022.

To find out more information about the local vaccination programme, visit the Norfolk and Waveney NHS COVID-19 vaccination pages.

Looking after your physical and mental health

Exercising at home

For those who are self-isolating or vulnerable, the county's sports partnership Active Norfolk has put together some helpful guides and videos on home workouts. They have put together a selection to get you started, including gentler moves for older adults and kid-friendly videos to get the whole family going.

Distance aware initiative

The Distance Aware initiative has been endorsed by the Department of Health and Social Care to promote the need for ongoing distancing for all. The initiative uses badges and lanyards to signal that those wearing them need others to pay attention and give them space.

Mental health support

The pandemic has caused disruption and uncertainty in people's lives, which can affect mental well-being. It is crucial to look after your own mental health and also look out for those who might be struggling. The NHS Every Mind Matters website has tips on how you can help improve your mental health and wellbeing if you are worried or anxious about coronavirus.

In addition, the NHS Wellbeing Service is still fully operational so if you are feeling stressed, anxious, low or depressed, please get in contact or complete the self-referral form on their online. The service is also offering online webinars and socials. Telephone the non-emergency number on 0300 123 1503 8am-8pm or visit the website. 

You can also call the urgent mental health helping by calling NHS 111 and selecting option 2.

Contacting Customer Services

As a result of the lifting of lockdown restrictions, our receptions at the Town Hall and Greyfriars House are now open to the public. Please see our Contact us page for further details of arrangements for individual services. In some cases, we are continuing to offer appointments to help us provide services more efficiently.

You can also contact us in a variety of ways to suit you:

  • email us via
  • call us on 0808 196 2236 (freephone number) or 01493 856100
  • text, webchat and online services where indicated available on relevant pages

Bereavement services

Bereavement Services are available to help you via the phone on 01493 441974 or email Crematorium services are operating as normal.

Parking permits - resident parking scheme

If you are a resident or businesses within the Resident Parking Scheme zone, you can now apply and pay for your resident, visitor and business permits via our online facility; see our parking and permits information. 

Council tenants

For council tenants, the Tenancy Team based in the area offices are available by phoning or emailing:

Council tenants

The Council continues to deliver key services, including repairs and maintenance. Please see the latest update page for key information and contact details.

If you are worried about paying your rent and need advice and support, please do contact us as soon as possible via:

It is important that your rent is kept up to date and payments maintained.

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