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Local plans and policies

Current Local Plan

The Local Plan is the basis for all future developments in the Borough and is based on up-to-date, relevant evidence about the economic, social and environmental status of the area.

Emerging Local Plan

Information on the emerging Local Plan.

Current planning consultations

Current planning and building control consultations for the Great Yarmouth Borough.

Neighbourhood planning

A neighbourhood plan is a formal plan about development (building and changes in the use of land) and can be prepared by a local community (usually a parish council). It provides the opportunity to shape (but not stop) development in the area.

Supplementary Planning Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) are produced to give more detail about how particular Local Plan policies should be interpreted or applied in practice.

Local Development Orders (LDOs)

Information of Local Development Orders within the borough.

Monitoring and evidence

Download any of the following documents to view the evidence that informs our Local Plan policies.

Local development scheme

The Local Development Scheme sets out the Borough Council's timetable for the preparation of Local Plan documents.

Cross-boundary planning

Local planning authorities have a 'duty to co-operate' in relation to the planning of sustainable development.

Statement of community involvement

The Statement of Community Involvement sets out how the Council will involve the local community and stakeholders in the preparation of planning policy documents.

Historic local plans

Previous iterations of the Local Plan have now been superseded by the Local Plan Core Strategy (2015) and Local Plan Part 2 (2021).

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