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Annual housing report 2022/23

The annual housing report provides a snapshot of the Council's performance between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023.

If you have any questions about the annual report, the way housing services are delivered, or you want to know more about how you can help shape housing services, please contact us by emailing

Tenant annual report data 2022/23

Repairs and maintenance
Number of responsive repairs completed12,25614,27715,680
Percentage of repair appointments kept95.19%96.10%98.38%
Average time taken to complete a repair end to end (days)4.727.418.33
Number of bathrooms fitted242247276
Number of kitchens fitted284251221
Percentage of properties with Gas Safety Certificates99.2%99.20% 
Tenants very or fairly satisfied with repair service92.44%92.40%94.09%
Tenants very or fairly satisfied with call handling93.01%No data97.20%
Information on how the Tenancy Services team performed during 2022/23
Properties let in 2020/21349327322
Average relet time (days)393632
Mutual exchanges completed43 93100
Completed housing adaptations128244402
Tenancy inspections completed281368892
Number of homes sold under the Right to Buy scheme91840
Tenancy complaints investigated (reports of anti-social behaviour)873844715
Number of formal legal actions taken  86
Number of evictions for non rent issues  9
Number of Area Voices  325
Rent and arrears collected98.51%98.17%97.74%
Rent arrears£424,697£531,054£651,634
Number of evictions (rent)322
Complaint information for 2022/23
Complaints received (tenancy management and repairs)1058923
Complaints progressed to stage 29150
Percentage of complaints overdue46%45%26%
Income and expenditure for Housing Services (Housing Revenue Account (HRA)) 2022/23
Total income£23,352,000£23,850,000£24,847,000
Total expenditure£24,355,000£23,146,000£25,533,000
Repairs and maintenance£8,419,000£8,541,000£8,592,000
Supervision and management£5,069,000£5,900,000£6,318,000
Rents, rates and taxes£322,000£355,000£370,000
Capital expenditure funded by the HRA£4,041,000£2,138,000£3,199,000
Interest payable£2,691,000£2,584,000£2,708,000
Provision for bad and doubtful debts£135,000£101,000£61,000
Use of reserves£1,001,000£824,000-£1,841,000
Reserve balance£8,558,000£9,387,000£11,253,000
Last modified on 30 October 2023

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