Public Spaces Protection Orders
About Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs)
Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) were enacted in 2014 under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act (Chapter 2 (opens new window)), and were introduced to simplify and replace powers granted to local authorities including Designated Public Place Orders, Gating Orders and Dog Control Orders.
PSPOs allow the council to tackle activities carried on in a public place which have had, or are likely to have, a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality (anti-social behaviour).
There are currently three PSPOs in force in the borough. They cover activities broadly related to:
- alcohol-related anti-social behaviour
- vehicle-related anti-social behaviour
- dog fouling
Public Spaces Protection Order No 1: alcohol
Live from 03 June 2016, extended on 03 June 2022
After problem-solving meetings with partner agencies including the Police and a public consultation, it was decided that the first PSPO for Great Yarmouth would focus on tackling anti-social behaviour related to drinking.
The Public Space Protection Order No 1 2016 (PDF) [394KB] (opens new window) , which covers the whole district of Great Yarmouth, came into force on 03 June 2016 for a period of three years. This was subsequently extended for a further three years on the following dates:
- 03 June 2019
- 03 June 2022
During year three, it will be reviewed to determine whether it should be extended for a further three years.
It is not a ban on drinking in public spaces. For example, someone could have some wine or beer in a park or on the beach and if they do not cause anti-social behaviour, the Order will not apply to them. They will be able to carry on enjoying themselves if they behave responsibly and with consideration to others.
Where someone is causing anti-social behaviour related to drinking alcohol in the PSPO area, the order allows a Police Officer (including Special Constables) or an authorised Council officer to ask the person to stop drinking and, if they think it appropriate, to confiscate the alcohol that the person has with them, including unopened cans and bottles. If the person does not stop drinking or surrender their alcohol and/or continues their anti-social behaviour, they can be issued with an £80 fixed penalty notice (reduced to £60 if paid within 10 days). The Police also have the option to arrest the person in the most severe cases of non-compliance.
In summary:
- If you have been warned by a police officer, special constable or authorised officer of the Council to not consume alcohol, you are not permitted to do so.
- This warning can be given in writing or given verbally.
- Alcohol can be confiscated from a person who has been warned by a police officer, special constable or authorised officer of the Council to not consume alcohol.
- When issuing a warning, an officer must provide identification if requested.
- Failing to comply with the warning issued is a criminal offence and could result in a fixed penalty notice and/or prosecution.
Public Spaces Protection Order No 2: vehicles
Live from 01 February 2017, extended on 01 February 2023
There was a significant increase in the amount of motor vehicles and their drivers/passengers taking part in unauthorised car and motorcycle enthusiast meetings on and around Great Yarmouth Seafront during 2016. An unfortunate side effect of the meetings was an increase in anti-social behaviour such as wheel spins, engine popping, loud music, littering, abusive language and racing.
The increase in the numbers of vehicles and the reports of anti-social behaviour from residents, businesses and visitors led a multi-agency group made up of the Council, the County Council and the Police to decide to consult the public on whether to create a Public Space Protection Order to help tackle some of the issues being caused by car and motorbike enthusiasts.
The Public Spaces Protection Order No 2 - vehicle-related anti-social behaviour came into force on 01 February 2017 for a period of up to three years and was subsequently extended for a further three years on the following dates:
01 February 2020
01 February 2023
During the consultation for the current period it was determined and agreed that the order would be varied slightly to also include the excessive revving of motor vehicles.
Public Spaces Protection Order No 3: dog control
Live from 01 April 2017, extended on 01 April 2023
In 2017, the Borough Council carried out a review of its dog control measures and updated existing byelaws into a Public Spaces Protection Order.
The PSPO covers four areas:
- requirement to pick up after a dog has fouled
- requirement to leash a dog where directed to do so
- sites from which dogs are banned
- sites where a dog must be leashed
For further information on the fenced play areas, skateparks, fitness areas and multi-use games areas where dogs are not permitted under this Order, please refer to the list of dog ban sites.
The Public Spaces Protection Order No 3: dog control (2017) originally came into force on 01 April 2017 and ran for a period of three years. This was subsequently extended on the following dates:
01 April 2020
01 April 2023
This PSPO is designed to ensure that dog owners/walkers recognise their responsibilities as pet owners and that as such they must ensure that they remove dog fouling forthwith and ensure that their dog does not behave in a way to cause alarm or distress to others.