Town Deal Board Papers 3 June 2024
Town Deal Board record of meeting held 3 June 2024
Time: 1pm
Councillors C Smith, T Wainwright, D Candon, Council Officers: S Oxtoby (Chief Executive), I Robertson (Executive Director - Major Projects), N Hayes (Executive Director - Place), K Sly (Executive Director - Resources), C Dyble (Head of Communications & Marketing), D Glason (Head of Capital Projects & Growth), S Best (Head of Inward Investment), T Williams (Communications Manager), T Read (Project Manager), S Cosham (Project Coordinator, Minute Taker)
(Cator & Co) (Chairman), B Stone (Norfolk County Council), B Williamson (Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust), S Rhoden (Norfolk County Council), H Hamilton (Bradwell Parish Council), H Sturzaker (Civic Society of Great Yarmouth), J Mackintosh (Out There Arts), K Moore (Environment Agency), PCC S Taylor (Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk), L Hogg (Voluntary Norfolk), L Bevan (Visit Great Yarmouth), N Fairbank (Norfolk Chamber of Commerce), U Rasan (East Coast College), C Richards (East Norfolk Sixth Form), J Jay (Jays UK Ltd), S Hall (Homes England), J Nix (Department for Work & Pensions), L Bowater (UEA), H Harcus (Ellandi), H Jeffery (Ellandi), P Wells (Senior Parliamentary Assistant), R Bush (EEEGR), T Staff (Barclays), B Hogston (NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board), R Hunt (NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board), Inspector G Evans (Norfolk Constabulary), P Mace (Norfolk County Council), M Peddar (DLUHC), C Sargisson (Sargisson Associates), D Rosembert (Great Yarmouth Charter Academy), L Wigby (Norfolk Foundation), R Goffin (Peel Ports).
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from: S Cosham.
2. Declarations of Interest
No declarations were made.
3. Minutes of previous meeting
The Minutes from the 24th April 2024 meeting were agreed as accurate and approved by the Chairman.
No matters were raised from the previous minutes.
4. Project and Programme Update
Project 1: O&M Campus: D Glason updated the Board that Tilbury Douglas have progressed on site. 95% of sheet piles are completed. Project is on schedule to complete November 2024 (phase 1). Ongoing commitment to Great Yarmouth was announced at recent energy industry fayre.
Project 1b: Business Incubator Units: D Glason updated the project is progressing to develop a business plan following the scheme completing up to RIBA Stage 3 plans/design. S Best confirmed the business plan is being developed with C Sargissan's team and should be in a position to present for approval within the next six weeks.
Project 2: North Quay: I Robertson confirmed Cabinet have approved land assembly plans, a number of inspections completed and negotiations ongoing with a number of property owners. The CPO process is working in parallel with land assembly programme. Housing and Property teams are both engaged. Procurement of a development partner has progressed to define Procurement Strategy options which will be finalised in June ready to issue contract notice before end of the month. Seeking to appoint a Delivery Partner by end of 2024. Vauxhall Bridge survey was completed in January, a cost plan is under development to bring into the overall scheme, linking to the Rail Station scheme.
T wainwright conveyed dismay regarding engagement with Environment Agency had stalled. I Robertson committed to finalise a date as a matter of priority.
Project 9: Enhancement to Rail Station: D Glason reported the suite of agreed works have reached implementation phase. Bus stops have been installed on Acle New Road. Phasing of works is rolling out. Planning application for information panels are due to be submitted. Changing Places facility to be agreed with Network Rail.
Project 3: The Place (University & Learning Hub): N Hayes updated the Board via summary presentation. Project reaching critical delivery stage. Topping out ceremony for roof works was completed last month; challenges have arisen which are being addressed via additional correction works. Non-material amendment has been submitted to Planning. Impact on timescales being mitigated. Open date of building delayed to March 2025 which partners are aware. Working with partners to review funding gap and close deficit. Finalising project adjustment via Inward Investment team.
C Richards asked whether viability of café addition considered East Coast College as student training opportunity. N Hayes confirmed that ECC and NCC have been consulted and both denied the opportunity.
B Stone confirmed prior discussions by Partners and the Board had agreed not to include a café to avoid commercial infringement on the market food/drink vendors. He confirmed that NCC remain keen to see collaboration between The Place and the market to assist footfall rather than café within the library.
T Wainwright enquired the recent press related to dentistry investment given the previous comment about funding gap. S Oxtoby confirmed ICB investment towards the dentistry under review, the scheme will feature within the Long-Term Plan business case. Some capital investment as match is desired and will be reflected within project adjustment calculations.
C Smith added press coverage requires more context as it came on the back of a debate being held at Norfolk County Council rather than direct statement of fact. The dentistry remains in principle deliverable and is desired by the Borough Council, continue to source suitable investment avenues. S Oxtoby added the Great Yarmouth proposal significantly varies to the proposal being put forward by Norwich City Council.
H Cator invited expressions of support for a café within The Place. C Smith conveyed GYBC Councillors are advocating for a café to be added. This maintains the history of the building providing a café and meeting hub. This will be raised with NCC colleagues to explore further.
Project 4: Restoration and Commercial Repurposing of Winter Gardens: I Robertson updated the delivery stage has launched with the Design Team. A number of tender procurements progressed (Project Management, Quantity Surveyor, Programmer, Interim cost planning, horticultural lead and evaluation), further tenders will be launched related to Fundraising to join the delivery team in next five weeks. Sequencing of works workshops have been held to map outline procurement strategy which will be presented for approval this month. Open market engagement for Main Contractor and potential Operators will commence in June, this is a 6-7 month process to appoint those roles and commence enabling works.
Project 5: Restoration and Repurposing Historic Buildings: GYPT project update received from B Williamson; completion programme remains on track with 2 of the 3 schemes. Business Plan for St John's Church is underway. N Hayes added it would be useful to review the Business Plan and present to Board for endorsement.
Project 6: Restoration and Adaptation of Ice House: J Mackintosh summarised the project has a slight delay to groundworks, mitigations to programme in place. Overall the build is on schedule to be completed end February 2025 with opening May 2025. Added that additional capital funding has been secured for the fit-out costs.
Project 8: Selective enhancement of Wayfinding and Connectivity: N Hayes updated the sculpture trail progressed, locations of sculptures reviewed to ensure the installation plans and surveys, planning requirements are proceeded correctly. Seeking options to launch request for quotation for installation works. Programme delivery is progressing at pace. Clown Shoes are being adapted to enable people to "stand" inside the shoes as an interactive piece.
Town Wall: The Morton Partnership appointed to survey condition of the wall and prepare management strategy. Working with Historic England to manage monument consents and ensure integrity is maintained and not inadvertently adding opportunity for public to sit/rest on the weaker parts.
Project 10: Smart Digital and Enhanced Connectivity: K Sly informed the Board the project has progressed little since last update. Development of the app and implementation of town wi-fi is progressing on track to delivery programme.
Future High Street Fund Projects
Market Public Realm: I Robertson updated the Board the project is moving forward to mobilise start date. Scope of work on southern side is being finalised. Lighting scheme will be brought to GYBC Members shortly for approval. Market Trader engagement, public communications and stakeholder engagement has been actioned since the last Board meeting. Completion is scheduled March 2025, pending signing of contracts.
Concerns conveyed by both C Smith and T Wainwright lack of progression in relation to finalising main contract, I Robertson chasing and welcomed support from Members to lobby for the project.
The Conge: I Robertson summarised progress on public consultation open currently on proposed designs and development intention. Site assembly to the south has been achieved and enabling works commenced. North side land assembly is almost complete.
5. Long Term Plan (LTP)
S Best addressed the Board with a short update on progress. His presentation is made available to the Board for reference. Intention to bring the proposed Business Case for the LTP will be brought to Board for approval at the next meeting in July. Deadline for submission is 1st August 2024.
T Wainwright enquired as to whether a Plan B for investment is prepared. S Best provided a conservative estimate that smaller funding avenues for the identified projects could be available and would be explored as and when they came forward. The suite of prioritised interventions of local need and local challenges is valuable for the Board to have ready to pitch as future funding streams become available.
6. Dentistry Hub
Additional costs identified and ensuring all Town Deal Funding defrayed by deadline, recommendation from DLUHC to progress a project adjustment request; syphoning the funding required for the training hub is from the LTP/County Deal Norfolk Investment Fund takes the scheme forward. The PAR would reallocate the committed funding back into the wider The Place project.
Motion nominated by N Fairbank; seconded by B Stone. VOTED in FAVOUR of PAR submission.
7. Community engagement update
Digital Survey mentimeter (Filigree): Representatives (Sam Holgate) from Filigree updated progress of the community engagement activity. Launched start of May 2024, Evaluation of engagement commences start of July, final report issued end July for inclusion within LTP submission. Digital survey in place and being actively promoted by the Council and stakeholders. A demonstration/exercise of the survey was completed with the Board.
The Board fed back views, interpretation of questions and suggestions that can be incorporated into the in-person engagement sessions e.g. accessibility of questions and capturing perceptions.
8. Any other business
Board representation: T Wainwright followed up on previous ambition of the Board to bring young persons into the membership. H Cator responded this was being progressed with engagement with Youth Advisory Board. C Richards confirmed developing Great Yarmouth Youth Council scope following recent Mayor-making which would be implemented in the next academic year. This will likely be presented for review at next Board (July). S Holgate added the engagement sessions incorporate educational spaces such as East Coast College.
July meeting: It is intended to review purpose, role of the Board under the ongoing LTP requirements. Furthermore scoping cost planning for future projects. The meeting will be held in person. Pre-meeting information will be circulated to enable Members to prepare accordingly.
9. Date of next meeting
15 July 2024, 4pm in-person at GY Town Hall.
Meeting closed at 15:05hrs
Action Summary
No actions recorded.