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Monitoring and evidence


Download any of the following documents to view the evidence that informs our Local Plan policies.

Annual monitoring report

Five-year housing land supply position statement

The Five-year housing land supply position statement (as at 01 April 2024) identifies whether there is sufficient land available for housing to meet housing needs over a five-year period. 

The Council is able to demonstrate a 5.82 year supply of deliverable land for housing through this statement.

Infrastructure funding statement

Regulation 121A of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2019, requires any 'contribution receiving authority' to publish an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS). The IFS sets out the amount of developer contributions secured through planning obligations and the amount spent on delivering infrastructure, and is reported on annually. 

Housing and economic evidence

Local Housing Needs Assessment (2022)

This study provides evidence and data on housing needs in the borough and the Broads Authority:

Gypsy, Traveller and Residential Caravans Accommodation Assessment (2022)

This study provides evidence and data on the needs, across the borough and the broads authority, for gypsy, traveller and travelling showpeople accommodation as well as residential caravans and houseboats:

Norfolk study of specialist housing for older people

This study provides evidence of demand for specialist retirement and accessible housing for older people and related planning and viability issues: 

Employment Land Needs Assessment (2022)

This document identifies the need and demand for employment land and assesses existing and prospective safeguarded employment areas: 

Housing Economic Land Availability Assessment Report (2020)

This document identifies land available for housing and economic development; it includes an assessment of the potential suitability of that land as was used to inform the Local Plan Part 2: 

Beacon Park Extension Masterplan Report (2018)

This document aims to show how the extension to Beacon Park could be developed and identifies anticipated development zones and layout opportunities; it informs Policy GN5 of the Local Plan Part 2 and can be used to help support planning applications:

Retail Study (2011)

This study provides a comprehensive overview of the health and prospects for retail in the borough:

Retail Capacity Study (2020)

This study supplements the Retail Study of 2011 and provides an update to the retail demand forecasts and capacity data: 

Town Centre Masterplan (2017)

The Town Centre Masterplan sets out the Council's ambition for the regeneration of the town centre up until 2027:

Environmental evidence

Landscape Character Assessment (2008)

This study characterises the different landscapes in the borough and identifies implications for management and development:

Settlement Fringe Landscape Sensitivity Study (2016)

This study provides an assessment of the sensitivity of landscape around settlements and the capacity for development within those landscapes: 

Disturbance to birds and implications for strategic planning and development control (2008)

This study assessed the impacts of increased recreation associated with new development on the Little Tern Colony at North Denes and Winterton:

Great Yarmouth Habitats Monitoring and Mitigation Strategy (2019)

This document provides a strategy for mitigating the impacts arising from development on protected habitats which form part of the National Site Network (formerly Natura 2000):

Green Infrastructure and Recreational Avoidance Mitigation Strategy (2021)

This document provides a Norfolk-wide strategy for mitigating the impacts arising from development on protected habitats. 

Shoreline Management Plan (2012)

This document sets out a strategy for managing coastal change; it has informed the Coastal Change Management Area and requirements in Policy GSP4 of the Local Plan Part 2: 

Surface Water Management Plan (2013)

This document provides a Surface Water Management Plan for Great Yarmouth; it investigates the risk of surface water flooding and identifies measures to address it:

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 Report (2017)

This study assesses the risk of flooding from all sources:

Water Cycle Strategy - Scoping Study (2009)

This study provides an initial assessment of the impact of proposed growth in the Local Plan Part 2 on water resources, flood risk, wastewater treatment capacity and sewer network capacity: 

Heritage, culture, tourism and open space evidence

Heritage impact assessment informing draft policy ADA5 (LPP2 Policy CA1) (2020)

This study assesses the impact of Policy CA1 on heritage assets; it informed the content of Policy CA1 of the Local Plan Part 2:

Appropriate land uses in secondary holiday accommodation areas (2007)

This study provides recommendations on land uses within secondary holiday areas and informs Policy GY7 of the Local Plan Part 2:

Playing pitch and outdoor sports strategy (2022)

This strategy is comprised of two documents:

  • an assessment report
  • a strategy and action plan

The strategy sets out a strategic framework to address the issues identified relating to playing pitch provision across Great Yarmouth: 

Open space needs assessment (2022)

This assessment includes an audit of existing open spaces and standards, and assesses where there are surpluses or deficits in open space provision. 

Infrastructure and viability evidence

Sustainable Settlements Study (2012)

This study assessed the level of service provision in each settlement in the Borough. It helped inform Policy CS2 of the Core Strategy which sets out a settlement hierarchy.  

Infrastructure Plan (2020)

This document identifies the infrastructure requirements necessary to support the growth outlined in the Local Plan.

Local Plan Part 2 Viability Assessment (2020)

This study provides an assessment of the viability of the policy requirements in the Local Plan as a whole and the strategic site allocations included in the Local Plan Part 2.

Local Plan Part 2 Transport Modelling (2019)

This study assesses the potential impact of potential allocations in the Local Plan Part 2 on the A47 trunk road. 

Great Yarmouth Transport Strategy and Implementation Plan (2020)

This document is a strategy for transport improvements within Great Yarmouth. 

A143 Bradwell transport study (2022)

This study comprises two stages that:

  1. analyse the existing transport scenario
  2. test possible growth scenarios

The documents contain transport analysis and assessment of the A143 Beccles Road/Church Lane/Mill Lane/Long Lane junction as an evidence base to help inform the preparation of the new Local Plan. 

Brownfield register

The Brownfield register provides up-to-date and consistent information on sites that the Council considers to be appropriate for residential development. 

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