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Council continues to obtain successful prosecutions for dog-fouling

Great Yarmouth Borough is reminding dog-owners of the consequences of not picking up after their pets after securing a further two successful prosecutions in one day at court for dog-fouling.

The Environmental Services department in Great Yarmouth has one of the best records for enforcement on environmental crimes in the whole of Norfolk. The Environmental Rangers investigate incidents, follow-up tip-offs and continue to appeal for public information to help target those who blight the environment.

One of the borough council's priorities is to support people who want to contribute to enhancing the borough, and to challenge people and their behaviour when they disrupt others' quality of life. The council recently brought two successful prosecutions at Great Yarmouth Magistrates' Court:

Michelle Jenkins, aged 50, of Nelson Road Central, Great Yarmouth, allowed her dog to foul on the pavement close to her home on January 1, 2020. The offence was seen by a witness who reported it to the Rangers for investigation. Ms Jenkins, who had a previous conviction for dog-fouling, pleaded guilty. She was fined £80 and told to pay £50 costs plus a £32 victim surcharge.                           

David Jeffery aged 27 of North Quay, Great Yarmouth, was found guilty at court in his absence of an offence of dog-fouling, which took place close to his home on November 12, 2019. He was interviewed by a Ranger under caution and admitted the mess was from his dogs. He was issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice, which he failed to pay in full. He was fined £180 and told to pay £100 costs plus a £32 victim surcharge.

Cllr Penny Carpenter, chairman of the environment committee, said: "The Environmental Rangers work hard to educate people about the consequences of dog-fouling for both the community and those caught offending. Paired with the council's responsible dog-walking campaign, Let's Do Walkies Well, enforcement is key to tackling the minority of dog-owners who blight the environment and risk public health.

"These prosecutions, as well as the ones the Rangers have obtained in previous weeks, is a great display of their dedication to keeping our borough clean.

"Whilst targeted patrols are carried out, the Rangers cannot be everywhere at once, therefore they rely on other evidence, including public tip-offs, to help target the right individuals. All approaches will be treated in confidence."

Anyone who witnesses an environmental crime in the borough or has information that may help to identify an offender should contact the Environmental Rangers and provide as much information as possible, such as the location and time of offence, what occurred, the description or address of the offender(s), and the registration number of any vehicle involved. The quickest way to report is to download the Report IT GY App, or you can call 01493 846478.

Last modified on 17 December 2020

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