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Gorleston Beach Hut Licence Agreement and Terms and Conditions of Hire-2023-24

The following terms and conditions apply to anyone who wishes to license the use of a beach hut situated on Gorleston Beach:

  1. the Council grants to the Licensee permission to use the beach hut ("the Hut") at Lower Promenade Gorleston for the pre-booked specified period only
  2. the Licensee shall pay in advance to the Council the Licence Fee (inclusive of VAT)
  3. that the Hut will only be used by the Licensee (or his/her family)
  4. not to have any more than 8 persons at the hut at any one time
  5. the Hut shall not be transferred, sub-let, or offered for use, to others
  6. to only use the Hut for recreational purposes
  7. not to use the Hut for any trade, business, or profession
  8. not to place or permit to be placed any advertising matter on the Hut
  9. that the Hut will only be used between 8:00AM and sunset
  10. not to use or allow to be used the Hut for the purposes of sleeping outside of usage hours
  11. not to store or allow to be stored anything within the Hut that is not ancillary to its use for recreational purposes
  12. not to store any highly flammable substances such as petrol, spirits, paints, and gas within the Hut
  13. not to use any fire or naked flame within the Hut
  14. not to use any form of BBQ in or around the hut, or any area of the Lower and Upper Esplanade or beach
  15. not to smoke in the Hut or around the immediate area surrounding the Hut
  16. not to do or permit anything which may cause, or is, a nuisance or annoyance to others
  17. not to deposit or permit to be deposited in or near the Hut any rubbish nor permit the Hut and/or the surrounding area to become dirty and/or untidy
  18. to keep the Hut clean and tidy and the interior of the Hut in good order and condition
  19. to ensure that the Hut is always locked when not in use#
  20. the Licensee shall make no alterations or modifications to the Hut
  21. the Licensee shall permit the Council, or its representatives, to enter the Hut at all reasonable times to inspect the condition of the Hut and to take such other steps to ensure the observance and performance of this Licence
  22. the Licensee shall make their own arrangements for the insurance of the contents of the Hut against all perils - the Council will not pay any compensation for any losses or damage to the contents of the Hut
  23. the Licensee will indemnify and keep indemnified the Council from and against all actions costs claims demands and liability arising directly or indirectly from the use by the Licensee of the Hut
  24. the Licensee may place, tables and chairs on the promenade outside of the Hut but not as to obstruct any means of access to the Property or the Landlord's Neighbouring Property. In this case the promenade is the Landlord's property
  25. if the Licensee defaults under any of the terms and conditions of this Licence the Council will be entitled to immediately terminate this Licence
  26. the notice to terminate shall be deemed to have been properly served if sent by means of ordinary prepaid post to the last known address of the parties
  27. if the Council terminates this Licence for reasons other than breach of the terms and conditions of the Licence the Council shall refund on a pro-rata basis any Licence fee paid
  28. if the Licensee terminates the Licence no refund of Licence Fee will be paid
  29. the termination of the Licence does not prevent the Council from recovering any monies due under this Licence
  30. the Licensee shall on or before the date when this Licence terminates remove the Licensee's property and possessions from the Hut except for any which the Council may have provided and shall leave the Hut in a clean, tidy, and presentable condition
  31. if the Licensee fail to do so the Council may remove the Licensee's property and possessions from the Hut and sell or otherwise dispose of them
  32. in that event the Council:
    1. shall not be liable to the Licensee for any loss or damage thereby caused
    2. may require the Licensee to repay to the Council the costs charges and expenses incurred in removal of the Licensee's property and possessions
    3. may sell or otherwise dispose of the Licensee's property and possessions
  33. the Council issues this Licence as landlord and nothing in this Licence shall prejudice the Council's position as a local authority
  34. the Council will be responsible for the maintenance of the Hut
  35. the Council is entitled to exclusive control and possession of the Hut
  36. this agreement is issued as a licence and there is no intention by party to the creation of a tenancy
  37. neither the Licensee, nor his/her family, occupying or using the Hut with the permission (express or implied) of the Licensee shall be entitled to any compensation remedy or claim whatsoever against the Council in respect of any loss or damage caused to the Licensee or his/her estate or effects or any other person or person's estate or effects arising out of or in consequence of this Licence
  38. in the event of any dispute regarding this Licence or its subject matter the decision of the Council shall be final and binding on the Licensee
  39. no warranty is given by the Council that the Hut is or will remain fit for the purposes intended by this Licence nor for the quiet enjoyment of the Hut
  40. the Council shall be under no obligation to provide the Licensee with a beach hut at another location in the event of this Licence being ended
  41. no vehicles are allowed either for access or parking on the lower promenade at any time
  42. the licensee will be provided with a key to access the amenity building during the period of the licence
  43. keys to the Beach Hut belong to Great Yarmouth Borough Council and will be returned by the Licensee to the same point of collection at the end of the hire period at the specified time
    1. failure to return the keys could result in a late payment charge
    2. the Licensee will not modify or rekey any locks to the Beach Hut, nor make any duplicate keys
    3. in the event of the need for replacement keys or new locks, the Licensee will be charged at the rate of cost.
  44. any breakages or damage to the Beach Hut must be reported immediately by the hirer to and paid for, any damage or breakages found after the hirer has vacated the Beach Hut will be charged at the rate of replacement/repair and the hirer will be invoiced accordingly
  45. Great Yarmouth Borough Council reserves the right as Landlord to amend any of the above Terms and Conditions at any time

Please read our privacy notice relating to Beach Huts.

Last modified on 09 November 2023

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