Parking and roads
Parking overview
We offer pay and display cark parks as well as a residents' parking scheme. You could also get a refund on your first hour of parking in our town centre car parks. We operate civil parking enforcement as part of the Norfolk Parking Partnership (opens new window).
Where can I park in town?
We offer 24-hour parking in most of our pay and display car parks. See our map below for prices and locations - the blue icons indicate short-stay parking, the green indicate long-stay.
You can park motorcycles for free at the South Quay, North Drive, Euston Road, Central Beach and King Street car parks as well as in designated bays. You can also pay to park them in normal bays.
How much does it cost to park in town?
Please see our car park prices page.
You may also find our budgeting information page useful.
Do I have to pay for disabled parking?
Yes. We charge the same prices for disabled bays at our pay and display car parks. However, if you park on the seafront and display a valid Blue Badge, you do not have to pay. You can also park for up to three hours on permitted double-lined areas if you display a Blue Badge and parking clock set to the time that you arrived.
Please check The Blue Badge scheme book (opens new window) you received with your Blue Badge for a full list of places where you can and can't park.
Can I apply for a parking exemption?
You can apply for a temporary parking exemption called a dispensation. This allows a business or organisation, that needs regular access to its commercial vehicle, to park in areas where parking restrictions are in place.
A dispensation is valid for one vehicle in a location; if you have more than one vehicle in use, or visit multiple locations, you will need to apply for more than one dispensation. The dispensation is valid until midnight for the day it is purchased.
How to apply?
You can apply online for a dispensation permit (opens new window). Please note: the application is made and processed through the MiPermit Portal.
The cost of a dispensation is £5 per day, per vehicle.
How do I pay or challenge a Penalty Charge Notice?
We are changing the way that Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued in this borough are handled. The changes cover payments and challenges.
From 19 March 2018, through partnership arrangements, the service of PCNs issued will be provided by the Parking Operations Team at the Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk.
If you receive a PCN on or after 19 March 2018, you will need to either pay the fine or put your challenge in writing to the Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk.
You can pay your PCN or make a challenge online via the Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk - Parking fines (opens new window) page. You will need your PCN reference and vehicle registration number in order to either pay or lodge a challenge.
Can I pre-pay for parking?
Yes, you can pre-book weekly, three day (72 hour), or monthly permits for the majority of our car parks:
Permit type | Permit validity and cost | Car parks where permit is NOT valid |
Weekly rover | A weekly rover permit is valid for eight days from the date of purchase, or a date in advance, and costs £40.30. |
Three day (72 hour) rover | A three day (72 hour) rover permit is valid for three days from the date of purchase, or a date in advance, and costs £17.50. |
Monthly | A monthly permit costs £72.00 per calendar month, except Fullers Hill car park and Beach Coach Station where the cost is £45.00 per calendar month. |
The weekly and three day (72 hour) rover permits are 'virtual permits', so you do not need to display the permit in your vehicle. Pre-book your rover permits (opens new window) via the MiPermit portal. Please note: the permits are administered by the Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk and the application is made and processed through the MiPermit portal.
The monthly permit is a paper permit and must be displayed in the vehicle at all times when parked on a car park. For this reason, you are advised to apply for your monthly parking permit (opens new window) in advance of the intended start date. Please allow five working days for the permit to be posted to you. Failure to display a valid permit will result in a penalty charge notice being issued against your vehicle.
Do you offer any parking for residents?
Yes, our resident parking bays operate between 8am and 6pm. Anyone living, or who has a business, within our Parking Permit Zones can apply for a permit.
Parking permit scheme
A parking permit scheme is available for anyone who lives, or who has a business, within the resident zone in Great Yarmouth. This scheme is administered by King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council and it works alongside Norfolk County Council to run this.
- If your property falls within the resident parking zone, you will be eligible to apply for a permit.
- The permit is a virtual permit so you will not need to display a permit in your vehicle.
- The permit is for vehicles that will be parked on the street within the resident zone. You do not need a permit to park on your driveway.
- Motorbikes, mopeds and all powered two wheelers do not require a permit.
- Any resident with a vehicle registered at an address within the zone can apply for a permit. If your household has more than one vehicle registered to your address, all vehicles will need a permit to park on the street.
- If you have regular visitors to your property, you can also apply for one visitor permit per property address.
- If you are a business within the resident parking zone, you can apply for one business permit and one business visitor permit.
Before you apply for a permit
Resident Parking Permit and Resident Visitor Parking Permit
To apply for a residents parking permit you will need:
- your vehicle registration number
- the vehicles DVLA registration document (the address on the DVLA document should match your permit application)
- a Council Tax bill or utility bill for your address
- your tenancy agreement (if you rent)
To apply for a visitor parking permit you will need:
- a utility bill for your address
Business Parking Permit and Business Visitor Parking Permit
If you are the principal occupier of a business in the resident parking zone, you may apply for the issue of a business permit. The permit allows you to park your vehicle in the resident zone. Only one annual business permit will be issued per property.
You may also apply for one annual visitor permit per property per year.
To apply for a business parking permit you will need:
- your vehicle registration number
- the vehicles DVLA registration document (the address on the DVLA document should match your permit application)
- a utility bill for the business address
To apply for a business visitor parking permit you will need:
- a utility bill for the business address
Permit prices
- Resident Annual - £54 each
- Resident Visitor Annual - £54 each
- Business Annual - £163 each
- Business Visitor Annual - £54 each
Blue Badge holders
Home and business owners that have a valid blue badge are entitled to a free permit, one per property address. You will need to display the blue badge on your windscreen at all times.
Company vehicles
If you have a company vehicle, you will need to supply a letter from your employer on letter headed paper confirming:
- the details of the vehicle they have provided to you
- it is for your sole use
- it is kept at the property address
How to apply?
Once you have all the necessary documents, you can apply online for a permit (opens new window). Please note: the application is made and processed through the MiPermit Portal.
What happens next?
Once your application has been processed, you will be notified by email. As it is a virtual permit, you will not need to display a permit in your vehicle. Once your application has been confirmed as complete, you will be able to park.
You will need to renew your permit each year. You will receive an email four weeks in advance of your permit needing renewal.
Notifying a change
To make a change to your permit, you will need to log in to your account (this account will be set up when you first apply for a permit).
If you're purchasing a new vehicle, you may not have your DVLA registration document. Please email straight away.
Can non-residents park in resident parking bays?
Non-residents can buy vouchers that allow them to park in shared use parking bays between 9am and 4pm. These cost £3 per day and are available from:
- Crown Stores, 60-61 Crown Road, Great Yarmouth
- Roundabout Stores, 18 St Peter's Road, Great Yarmouth
Shared use parking bay locations
Non-residents can use shared use parking bays at the following locations bounded by Regent Road to the north, Nelson Road Central to the west and York Road to the south:
- Apsley Road (east side)
- Albion Road (north side)
- Crown Road (north side)
- Russell Road (east side)
- Rodney Road (south side)
- Kent Square (west side)
- St Georges Road (north side by Kent Square)
Where can I charge my electric vehicle?
Great Yarmouth has multiple electric vehicle charging points across the borough.
I need to report a fault
Road maintenance
Norfolk County Council maintains most of the 6,000 miles of roads in Norfolk. To report a problem, including potholes, problems with street lights, traffic lights, pavements, bridges and flooding refer to Norfolk County Council's Report a problem (opens new window) service.
If you need to report a problem with drains please refer to our overview of drains and drainage to see who is responsible for public and private drains and sewerage services.
Street lights
Street lights in the borough are owned by either Great Yarmouth Borough Council or Norfolk County Council. In order to identify which authority you need to report a street light problem please check the following:
- Great Yarmouth Borough Council street lighting columns are generally coloured black (but might be unpainted), no more than 6m in height and where there is a maintenance number it will have a suffix of 'R' (for example, "326R")
- report a problem with a GYBC street light via our Report a street problem section
- Norfolk County Council lighting columns are generally taller, 6m to 12m in height, and will have a yellow sticker attached with a reference number alongside the NCC and Amey logos
- report a problem with an NCC street light via their contractor Amey
Do you offer garages for rent?
We have a number of Council owned garages available for let across the Borough. To find out how much it costs and how to apply for a council garage refer to the information on renting a council garage here.
What traffic regulation orders have recently come into effect?
Order | Supplementary documents |
Bradwell Faraday Road | Prohibition of Waiting Order September 2021 (PDF, 152 KB)(opens new window) | |
Hopton-on-sea Lowestoft Road/Longfulans Lane | Speed Limit Order September 2021 (PDF, 37 KB)(opens new window) | Hopton-on-sea, Lowestoft Road/Longfulans Lane | Notice of Speed Limit Order September 2021 (PDF, 133 KB)(opens new window) |
Gorleston-on-Sea Oriel Avenue | Footway conversion to Cycletrack September 2021 (PDF, 133 KB)(opens new window) | A PDF plan of the proposals is available to view via the following Link: Norfolk County Council - Citizen Space. Please search for the relevant TRO using the search function or use the 'search all open consultations' tool. |