How can you help me if I am homeless or at risk of homelessness?
If you are homeless or think you are at risk of being made homeless, you can get advice and assistance from your Local Authority. The Council has a dedicated Housing Options Service that can support you through this difficult time.
To make an application you need to complete a short triage form (opens new window). Once completed an advisor will then contact you to gather further information and make an appointment if necessary. Not all appointments will be held face to face, the Council is moving to online meetings and phone appointments.
If you are homeless now and have nowhere safe to stay, please complete the triage form and an officer will be in touch with you by 5pm. If this occurs outside of office hours, please call our out of hours service on 01323 690805 and an officer will give you advice and assistance, please be aware this may not result in you being accommodated.
Any applications made outside of working hours and weekends will be assessed the following working day.
How do I know if I am threatened with homelessness?
- If you have been asked to leave your accommodation you would have been served a legal notice to leave/quit, it will specify a date they have asked you to leave. When you make an application, the advisor will be able to give you advice and check it has been served legally. For more information you can visit the Shelter website https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice/private_renting
To progress an application for homelessness you will be asked to provide a copy of the notice at your appointment or email this to housingoptions@great-yarmouth.gov.uk
If you wish to be considered for social housing please complete the housing register application here https://www.great-yarmouth.gov.uk/article/2274/How-do-I-make-a-housing-application .
The Council provides advice and assistance in line with the Homeless Reduction Act 2018, not all applications result in accommodation being given.
What happens to the information I provide to Housing Options?
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) (opens new window) wants to learn more about the help provided to people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. This will help to improve services.
DLUHC wants to use the information you provide about how you have become homeless (or threatened with homelessness), your housing history and the sort of things that you need help and support with. DLUHC also wants to look at how you use other public services and benefits you receive. Your personal details (such as your name) will be needed for this, but the researchers will not know whose information they are looking at. See this privacy notice for further information.
Any information you provide will not affect the services or benefits that you receive now or in the future or used to identify fraud. Your information will be kept safe and confidential, and handled with care and in accordance with the law.
What further information is available?
Here you can find further advice on your homelessness situation.
- Domestic Abuse information on our website
- Sanctuary Scheme
Frequently asked questions
On this page
How long will I be in Interim or Temporary Accommodation?
You can be in nightly paid accommodation (typically bed and breakfast style accommodation) for the duration of your homeless application. Government guidelines state that this can only be a maximum of to 6 weeks if you are a household with children. This is just a guideline and although we try to not accommodate in bed and breakfast for the maximum of 6 weeks, sometimes we are unable to move you to self-contained until a property becomes available. Your caseworker will keep you updated at all times if this is the case
Do you carry out visits to the property?
Officers carry out unannounced visits to accommodation at least once a week.
What is the purpose of the visits to accommodation?
Officers carry out inspections of accommodation to ensure that the room / property is being used in line with your signed agreement, The visits helps us to identify if there are any concerns around your ability to hold a tenancy. If any concerns are found, we can help put support in place to get you 'tenancy ready'. Being unable to manage a tenancy puts barriers in the way to you finding accommodation in the Private Rented Sector or Social Housing. The support is to help you to be successful in your new home.
During these visits we will give you advice on any improvements needed to the condition of the property, or raise any concerns regarding payment of rent or any anti-social behaviour. The officer will also conduct an Health & Safety inspection to identify and order any repair issues.
What happens if I am given a negative decision on my homeless application?
In this instance your caseworker we will give you a date of when you need to leave the accommodation.
If you have children in your household a referral for support and assistance will be made to Social Services.
Do I have to pay for the Accommodation?
Yes. Weekly charges are required for your accommodation. The amount will depend on the type and size of accommodation you are placed in to. When you are signed up for Accommodation you will be advised how much this is . There is help and assistance available from Housing benefit and Universal Credit if you are not working or are in low paid employment. Your caseworker will help you make any applications, until this is awarded you will be liable for the full charge.
It is your responsibility to provide the supporting evidence for this claim, if you fail to do so you will be liable for the full charge.
Should you not be entitled to any help from Housing Benefit / Universal Credit the full charge has to be covered by you.
What happens if I do not pay my rent or top up?
Your account will be monitored by an officer weekly, should you fall into arrears (either the top up or full rent) you will be issued with a Notice To Quit which is your legal notice to leave.
The Council can choose not to enforce this if you bring your account up to date.
If you are struggling to pay your accommodation charge, please contact your caseworker or accommodation officer immediately. There is support that can be given to you.
What is a Notice to Quit and why would I receive one?
This is a legal document that looks to end your accommodation agreement. The notice must give you at least 28 days notice and is the first stage of a legal process.
A notice is valid for 12 months and can be enforced 28 days after it has been served on the property.
This does not mean you cannot talk to us and try to resolve the issues that have lead to the notice. Officers are here to support you and help you succeed in your accommodation, please do contact us.
However, there are times when there is no resolution, if the Council deems the breach of accommodation to be severe we will proceed to repossession.
Officers can issue a Notice to Quit for various reasons, these include rent arrears and failing to keep to the terms of the accommodation agreement, when you sign your agreement please do look at the examples given. When officers conduct visits to the accommodation they will advise you of where improvements are needed to be made. Should you not take the advice or work with us to improve the concerns we have noted, then you will be issued with a warning or, if we have identified a serious breach a Notice to Quit would be issued immediately.
Will I be moved?
We try not to move people, however, this very much depends on what properties we have at the time of your placement. If you are moved into a property that is too large for your household you will be moved when a smaller ones becomes available and vice versa. The Council must make best use of its stock and ensure you are in accommodation that you can afford / claim benefits for. This helps to prevent any arrears on your account.
An officer will advise as soon as possible if we are looking to move you to a different property. They will also make you aware when you are placed
Can I have pets?
The Council leases accommodation from providers who will not allow pets to reside in the accommodation. Having pets will cause the Council to lose their lease. If you have pets you may need to explore whether a friend or family member can temporarily foster them.
Information about organisation who can foster pets in the local area can be given to you by your caseworker.
What happens if I am offered a Private Rent or Social Housing?
If you attend a viewing and accept a property please advise your Housing Options advisor and Accommodation Officer within 24 hrs.
When a moving is agreed you will need to ensure you make arrangements for removals of your items from the property or the storage facility. An Officer will make arrangements to meet you at the property on this day to conduct a Property Schedule and Inventory.
Should any items provided by the Council be removed, damaged or the property hasn't been cleaned, you will be asked to return the items immediately. You will be recharged for any replacement items, damaged goods and cleaning of the property, during the inspection the Officer will advise you of an estimate. Once the works have been undertaken and new items have been purchased you will be sent an invoice to your new address.
Who do I contact to report any repairs in my accommodation?
If you have any repair issues you can report them to the Accommodation Officers during office opening hours, on the contact numbers below. (Repairs will be arranged with our contractors who will be given your contact details to arrange for the repair to be fixed.
If you have any urgent repairs when our offices are closed, you can contact the out of hours team on:
- out of hours - 01323 690805
Who do I call if I have any other issues during office hours?
You will have an appointed Accommodation Officer for your area, however some of the officers work part-time. The contact numbers are:
- Stacey Masters, works Monday to Wednesday
- telephone 01493 846204
- email stacey.masters@great-yarmouth.gov.uk Works Mon to Wed
- Lucy Peart, works Wednesday to Friday
- telephone 01493 846282
- email lucy.peart@great-yarmouth.gov.uk Works Wed to Fri
- Debbie Beavers, works Monday and Tuesday
- telephone 01493 846789
- email debbie.beavers@great-yarmouth.gov.uk
If you are unable to reach them in office hours please call the main office on 01493846140
Office Opening Hours
The Council operates on an appoint only system however we provide emergency appointments for people who find themselves 'homeless tonight'. Our opening hours are:
- Monday - 10am - 12:30pm and 1:30pm - 4pm
- Tuesday - 10am - 12:30pm
- Wednesday - 1pm - 4pm
- Thursday - 10am - 12:30pm
- Friday - 10am -12:30pm and 1:30pm - 4pm
For assistance to complete your housing register application we offer appointments during:
- Tuesday 1pm - 4pm
- Wednesday 10am - 12:30pm.
To make an appointment contact us on 01493 846140.