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Taxi licensing

Are there wheelchair accessible vehicles available in the borough?

Drivers of taxis and private hire vehicles designated by the local licensing authority as being wheelchair accessible must comply with the requirements of Section 165 of the Equality Act 2010, unless they have been issued with an exemption certificate. The Equality Act allows for exemptions from the above duties on medical grounds or if the driver's physical condition makes it impossible or unreasonably difficult for him or her to comply with these duties. It is the responsibility of drivers who require an exemption to apply for one by contacting the Licensing Team for an application form.

A designated vehicle should be capable of carrying the passenger whilst in their wheelchair. The driver of those vehicles must provide mobility assistance to passengers as reasonably required and drivers/operators are also prohibited from making an additional charge for carrying a passenger in their wheelchair.

Read the GOV.UK statutory guidance on access for wheelchair users to taxis and private hire vehicles (opens new window) for more information.

These vehicles have been designated as wheelchair accessible. This list is subject to change at any time.

Last modified on 17 October 2023

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