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Great Yarmouth Borough Council asks you to jingle all the way to the recycling bin this Christmas

Whilst this Christmas will be a little different to previous years, there'll still be a lot of gift and food packaging produced, which Great Yarmouth Borough Council is reminding residents to recycle wherever possible.

Norfolk Recycles Scrunch it to sort it guidelines

You can recycle in your green bin items such as glass jars and bottles, plastic food pots, tubs and food trays, aluminium foil and foil trays, juice and soup cartons. The only requirement is that these items are clean, dry and unbagged. You can also recycle Christmas cards, envelopes and wrapping paper, of which each year there is enough produced to reach the moon - some four hundred million metres.

However, please be aware that not everything can be put into your green recycling bins, including some wrapping paper. To discover which wrapping paper can be recycled, simply carry out the "Scrunch Test". After removing any sticky tape or labels, scrunch the wrapping paper into a ball. If it holds its shape, then it's ok to recycle.

Refuse collections days will differ slightly over the festive period, meaning some collections will be earlier and some later. We ask that you carefully check your revised collection day and make sure your bin is presented by 6.30am that day. You can visit the council's rubbish and recycling information if you need the list of revised collections dates and a quick reminder of what can and can't be recycled.

Cllr Penny Carpenter, chairman of the environment committee, said: "Of course Christmas is going to be very different this year, but it is still really important that we all do our part to recycle as much as we can during the festive period.

"On average, there is an extra 30% of waste produced nationally and discarded over the festive season, which is unnecessary considering how easy is it to recycle products. Recycling helps reduce how much waste ends up in landfill and will help us all have a greener Christmas."

Last modified on 12 October 2021

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