Hemsby beach protection work takes next step forward
Works to protect the beach at Hemsby costing up to £11m have taken an important step forward.
Great Yarmouth Borough Council has lodged a formal application with the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) for permission to carry out the works, and launched a consultation under the Coast Protection Act.
Under the proposals rock berms will be built on a stretch of the beach to help reduce erosion, with the work costing between £5m and £11m depending on the final design chosen.
The work is being led by Coastal Partnership East (CPE), which brings together coastal management expertise across Great Yarmouth, North Norfolk, and East Suffolk councils. Alongside the technical applications, CPE is exploring potential sources of funding for the work.
Karen Thomas, Head of Coastal Partnership East said "Obtaining this licence is critically important for the project. It is an important part of the licences needed to build a defence but also offers confidence to any potential funder of the works that we are moving a step closer to being ready to deliver."
Council environment committee chairman Cllr Paul Wells said: "The council remains absolutely committed to supporting these efforts to secure further protection for Hemsby, and this is another step forward in that process."
Details of the plans can be found on the borough council and MMO websites, and members of the public have until September 2 to lodge any objections with the council, the Secretary of State, or the MMO.
For further information view the links below:
- GYBC Planning Public Access - case ref: 06/21/0914/F
- Marine Management Organisation public register - case ref: MLA/2021/00465
- Shoreline Management Plan
Any notice of objection must contain a statement of the grounds of objection and must be delivered to or sent by post or e-mail to the Secretary of State and to the Chief Executive of the Council. Notices to be posted may be addressed to the Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Seacole Building, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF or emailed to george.eustice.mp@parliament.uk and to the Chief Executive Officer, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF or emailed to enquiries@great-yarmouth.gov.uk
The MMO accept representations online, by email to marine.consents@marinemanagement.org.uk or by letter addressed to Marine Management Organisation, Lancaster House, Hampshire Court, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YH.