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Guidance on bonfires

If you have problems with a bonfire

If you are affected by a problem of bonfire smoke you may consider one of the following options:

  1. It is best to approach your neighbour first and explain the problem. You might find this awkward, but they may not be aware of the problem and it may make them more considerate when planning and lighting a bonfire.
  2. If this approach fails, contact the Environmental Services team at the Council. The Council is legally obliged to investigate all complaints of nuisance in their area, which includes bonfire smoke.
  3. Section 82 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 allows you to take private action through the magistrate's court but you should seek legal advice before doing so. Also. The Council's Community Protection Team can advise you about private remedies for resolving your complaint to help you decide the best way forward.
  4. Under the Highways Act 1980 anyone lighting a fire and allowing smoke to drift across a road faces a fine if it endangers traffic. If this is the case you should contact the police.
Last modified on 05 December 2023

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