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Guidance on bonfires

Am I allowed to have a bonfire?

If you are disposing of garden waste, there are no laws that specifically prohibit bonfires.

However, if a bonfire interferes with the enjoyment of a neighbour's property, e.g. fills their garden with smoke so they can't open their windows or use their garden, you may be responsible for a statutory nuisance under section 79/80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The Council enforces this legislation which can result in an unlimited fine in the magistrates court for people who carry on causing a nuisance after being requested by the Council to stop.

Burning household waste will pollute the environment and may cause harm to human health. The burning of household waste is therefore prohibited under section 33 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The maximum penalties for this offence on conviction are a £50,000 fine and/or five years imprisonment.

Last modified on 05 December 2023

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