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Chefs working chopping vegetables

The Kickstart Scheme is aimed at 16 to 24-year olds who may find it more challenging to access the world of work. The scheme facilitates six month placements, at 25 hours per week at minimum wage - although the employer can offer more hours and cover the additional cost. The total grant available for employers is £6,500, covering wages and on-costs, such as National Insurance etc.

In addition, there is a further £1,500 payable to employers to provide wrap-around employability support - this can be either provided in-house or the employer can pay for the support to be delivered by a third party. Employers will need to be able to evidence what the support is and the impact/benefits to the employee. 

To qualify for a Kickstart placement, you must be able to demonstrate that this role is additional. The placement is for six months and, at the end of that period, you can either take that person on or replace them with another placement for a further six months.

While the Kickstart Scheme is aimed at employers offering a minimum of 30 placements, it's acknowledged that this isn't practicable for most Norfolk businesses, so Great Yarmouth Borough Council is working with East Coast College, Norfolk Chambers of Commerce and Norfolk County Council, who will collate placements on behalf of a group of employers. 

If your business wishes to take part in this scheme, you will need to advise on how many placements - and what type of roles - you can host.

Once your application is complete it will be submitted to the DWP in batches of 30. The DWP will respond within 30 days.

If your application is successful, a grant funding agreement will be issued, and you must return it and provide a detailed job description for the position. The DWP will collate potential candidates and you can choose who to employ.

Applications can be made through the following gateways; you will receive full support with your application and kept updated throughout the process.


Last modified on 12 October 2021

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