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30,000 visitors expected to seaside town's Fire on the Water shows

30,000 visitors are expected to visit the Venetian Waterways of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, where the brand new 15 night-time shows of Fire on the Water will light up the waterways and entertain visitors from 21 October to 6 November. *

Great Yarmouth festival celebrates its founder of modern photography

Residents invited to exhibitions and seminars of Peter Henry Emerson's work.

Go Trade partners in England and France encourage residents to back their local markets this Christmas

Market towns involved in a cross-Channel project helping to revitalise historic markets are urging residents to continue to back their local markets this Christmas, with a range of initiatives underway to support a safe local festive shopping experience.

Norfolk's Covid Winter Support scheme opens to residents

Anyone in Norfolk suffering financial hardship this winter could receive help and support thanks to a new scheme that launches today (Wednesday 02 December).

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