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North Quay regeneration

Developer interest

The Council has successfully secured £20million from the Government's Levelling Up Fund in 2023, along with Town Deal and Great Yarmouth Borough Council funds of £5.1million. These funds will be used to prepare the North Quay site by paying for key costs, including site assembly, key infrastructure and unlocking commercial investments in the area.

The Council is actively seeking a Master Developer for the regeneration of North Quay Gateway who will be responsible for delivering a comprehensive scheme which will successfully meet the Council's strategic planning, design and commercial objectives.

The Prior Information Notice (PIN) was published on 30 August 2023.

From 14 June 2024 to 16 July 2024, Master Developers will be invited to submit their proposals through a competitive process via the InTend Portal.

Timetable for selection process

The current timetable for the selection process is as follows:
14 June 2024Contract Notice published on Find a Tender website together with Selection Questionnaire. Draft Invitation to Participate in Dialogue (ITPD) and related procurement documentation (including technical specification and evaluation criteria) available.
16 July 2024Deadline for return of Selection Questionnaire for evaluation by the Council to shortlist bidders with the relevant experience, technical and professional ability and financial standing to perform the contract.
30 July 2024ITPD issued to shortlisted bidders and dialogue stage undertaken to develop bidders' solutions.
30 September 2024Dialogue close and submission of final tenders (ISFT).   Evaluation of final tenders.
November/December 2024Notification of Preferred Bidder followed by formal Contract Award.

Land aquisition

The 10 acres (4 hectares) of land earmarked for the project are currently in piecemeal ownership and negotiations with property owners are now advancing with the aim of reaching voluntary agreements to acquire land. In 2022, councillors agreed in principle to approve the use of compulsory purchase powers to secure the land required, but it is hoped agreement can be reached using a voluntary acquisition approach with landowners with compulsory purchase powers held in reserve as a last resort.

The council has employed property consultants Lambert Smith Hampton to engage with and conduct negotiations with landowners.

Developer awareness event - 13 September 2023

A Developer Awareness event was held at the Town Hall in Great Yarmouth on 13 September 2023 for the North Quay Development Opportunity in Great Yarmouth.

Presentations were given by:

A tour of projects being delivered in the Market Place and the North Quay site provided an informative showcase of the opportunity.

Drone footage of the North Quay area was also shown at the event, together with Display Panels explaining the wider projects in delivery through public sector investment.

Last modified on 10 July 2024

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