Procurement - Supplying the Council
The Council strives to achieve value for money and efficiency in its procurement of goods, services and works and does so within an environment of transparency and fairness. We must achieve efficiencies while recognising our responsibilities in terms of the impact of any procurement decisions made, in regards of:
- sustainability
- equality
- diversity
- the local economy
- other social implications
Procurement decisions will be made taking into account the balance of quality and costs while supporting the Corporate Plan.
Further details of our Procurement and Commissioning Strategy can be found here: Procurement and Commissioning Strategy
Contracts register
Great Yarmouth Borough Council procures a wide range of goods and services, and works in a transparent and fair way to select suitable suppliers.
You can view the Council's existing Contract Register for details.
What is important to the Council in the way it buys goods and services?
As the Council is spending public money, it is important that we get the most out of all that we need to spend. In the majority of cases we will advertise the opportunity and issue either quotations or tenders. However, sometimes we can secure better value for money by collaborating with other organisations. We do this by using existing framework agreements and so we do not advertise these opportunities. Some of these frameworks are put in place by the Government's Crown Commercial Services (CCS) and others are through consortia such as the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO).
How can I find out when the Council needs to buy something?
We undertake all our quotations and tenders online and you can register on our portal, Supply Great Yarmouth (opens new window) (hosted by Due North).
After registering, you can search current tenders and our existing contracts, and be notified of any forthcoming opportunities that you may like to bid for.
Where else does the Council advertise tender opportunities?
Great Yarmouth Borough Council undertakes to advertise contracts that are valued over £25,000 on the GOV.UK Contracts Finder (opens new window) and we strongly suggest that you register here too for alerts from the whole UK public sector.
What rules does the Council have to follow when buying goods and services?
The Council is governed by European, national and internal rules and regulations and so some of our processes are mandated to us. Even so, we have tried to simplify the way we work with suppliers and in particular strive to only ask for what we need. In this regard we have stopped using Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQs) for the majority of our procurements and where we do need to use this process we have adopted the Government Standard questions. Our rules for procurement are set out in Article 42 of our Constitution: Contract Standing Orders.
Does the Council use standard terms and conditions?
Although we occasionally need to add specific terms for contracts, we have standard contract and purchase conditions which apply to all contracts.
Please see the documents below: