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Community Green Spaces Grant Expression of Interest (available until end of 8 November 2024) Community Green Spaces Grant can provide a flexible subsidy to help to enhance environmental quality and encourage community/volunteering engagement. It is ...
Privacy Notice: Landlord forum privacy notice details how Great Yarmouth Borough Council will use your personal information in order to process registrations for its Landlord Forum. This...
Community Housing Fund Policy policy sets out the Council's approach to using the Community Housing Fund monies to assist the establishment of Community Led Housing Organisations (CLHOs...
BBBCFSOB1 - Examiner's notice of commencement of examination of commencement of examination on the Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan
Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves neighbourhood plan - Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan examination of the Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan
Tenant and Leaseholder Alteration and Improvement Policy - 12. Leaseholders statement for the tenant and leaseholder alteration and improvement policy
Tenant and Leaseholder Alteration and Improvement Policy - 11. Exceptions and discretion and discretion statement for the tenant and leaseholder alteration and improvement policy
Communities section has forms related to Communities, such as housing adaptations
Tenant and Leaseholder Alteration and Improvement Policy - 10. Retrospective applications applications statement for the tenant and leaseholder alteration and improvement policy
Tenant and Leaseholder Alteration and Improvement Policy - 9. Compensation statement for the tenant and leaseholder alteration and improvement policy
Tenant and Leaseholder Alteration and Improvement Policy - 8. Refusing permission Permission statement for the tenant and leaseholder alteration and improvement policy
Tenant and Leaseholder Alteration and Improvement Policy - 7. Mobility scooter storage scooter storage statement for the tenant and leaseholder alteration and improvement policy