Sheltered accommodation
What are the sheltered homes in Great Yarmouth like?
Sheltered housing offers:
- privacy and independence
- support from your Tenancy Support Officer
- emergency alarm systems in your home
Some sheltered housing developments also include:
- door entry systems
- communal gardens, lounge and laundry facilities
- regular social activities arranged by the residents
If social services recommend that you need more support and care than you can get in sheltered housing, you could consider moving into Housing with Care.
What sheltered housing is there in the Borough?
There are sheltered housing areas in Martham, Hemsby, Caister, Gorleston, Bradwell and Belton as well as in Great Yarmouth itself.
The housing offered may be flats or bungalows.
What housing with care is there in the borough?
The homes in the area that offer greater care and support facilities are:
- St Augustine's, Addison Road
Joint scheme between Orbit Housing Association, Social Services and the Borough Council, consisting of bungalows and flats. Norse Care is on site to provide support to residents.
For more information please call 01493 441710. - The Lawns
Consists of self-contained flats and shared lounge, dining room, laundry and garden. Norse Care is on site to provide support to residents.
For more information please call 01493 745264.
If you're getting older and feel it may be time for a change, but still want to live independently, Norfolk County Council provides helpful information (including how much it can cost) and video guides:
What support is available in sheltered housing?
In sheltered housing you will have an emergency alarm system and Tenancy Support Officers (TSOs) will visit all residents once every three months. During this visit, the TSO will assess any requirements and support needs of the resident and make any necessary referrals to external agencies to assist with the requirements and support needs raised.
The TSOs are also available to support residents with:
- correspondence
- accessing the correct level of benefits
- assistance in times of crisis
The schemes are covered by the emergency alarm system which is linked to the 24hr Control Centre.
Who can live in sheltered housing or Housing with Care?
Sheltered housing and Housing with Care cater for a whole range of older people. You do not have to have a health problem or disability to move into sheltered housing. If you do have health problems or a disability you will be assessed and we will decide whether sheltered housing or Housing with Care would be best for you.
How do I apply for sheltered housing?
If you are over 60 and have a housing need you should contact the Housing Options Team and it will arrange for an assessment of your needs. If you are a Council tenant you should contact your housing officer.
Depending on your level of need you may go into sheltered housing or Housing with Care.