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Council consults on draft planning document about how future developments should be designed

Great Yarmouth Borough Council is inviting people to help shape a key planning document which will help set out clear principles and standards for how development should be designed in the borough.

A photo showing an aerial view of Great Yarmouth Hall Quay

The public consultation on the Great Yarmouth Borough-Wide Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) runs between Friday, July 21, and Friday, September 15.

The Great Yarmouth Borough-Wide Design Code SPD is an additional planning document that will add further guidance and detail around the application of existing design-based policies in the council's adopted Local Plan. The aim will be to improve the design quality of new developments in the borough.

The SPD will set out clear principles and standards for how development should be designed in the borough. As a code, it will also signpost people to other sources of design regulation, guidance, assessment tools and best practice.

The consultation is being undertaken in line with the council's adopted Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) and, following the consultation, the comments received will be considered and the document finalised ahead of being adopted.

Cllr Daniel Candon, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Growth at Great Yarmouth Borough Council said: "We welcome all feedback and comments on this planning document, because we believe residents should help us shape how future developments should be designed."

People are encouraged, when making specific comments on the content of the document, to make it clear which section(s) their comments relate to. Comments will be accepted via email and can be sent to or by post to Strategic Planning, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF.

The document can be viewed online.

Last modified on 25 July 2023

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