Rural businesses encouraged to express interest for available funding
Great Yarmouth Borough Council is inviting rural businesses to express an interest in a small number of capital grants, funded through the UK Rural England Prosperity Fund.
The Rural Business Support Grant can provide a flexible subsidy to help your organisation to grow, improve resilience or extend its impact. It is available to any micro, small or medium-sized business located in rural areas of the Borough as defined by postcode and can include community businesses, co-operatives and social enterprises.
A simple expression of interest form can be completed online until 23:59 on Sunday, November 19 and can be found online. The grants will cover up to a maximum of fifty percent of eligible project costs or £20,000, whichever is lower, subject to a minimum grant of £10,000. Projects must be capable of being delivered and grants claimed by 29 February 2024.
These capital grants can support three themes:
- Investment in micro and small enterprises in rural areas such as opening new kennels or liveries, purchasing more efficient packaging machinery, modernising or creating a development kitchen
- Growing the social economy and supporting innovation, such as installing electric charging points, creating co working space such as office or kitchens, regional information boards, installing broadband, equipment to showcase regional food
- Development and promotion of the visitor economy (both trade and consumer), such as developing visitor trails, information boards, visitor centres, general development of local tourist attractions and visitor experiences
The grant cannot be used for projects which have received other funding from DEFRA including The Farming in Protected Landscapes Programme (FIPL), The Farming Investment Fund (FIF) and The Platinum Jubilee Village Hall Improvement Grant Fund.
Councillor Daniel Candon, Great Yarmouth Borough Council's portfolio holder for economic development and growth, said: "This is an excellent opportunity for rural businesses in Great Yarmouth to express their interest in this funding, which could help support the growth and investment that businesses need to thrive.
"We have a strong rural economic sector in the borough and it's important that we make that sector aware of further potential funding schemes, such as this, when they become available.