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Town Deal Board Papers 30 October 2023

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Town Deal Board record of meeting held 30th October 2023

Time: 1pm

Venue: Hybrid (Microsoft Teams and Council Chamber, Town Hall)


Councillors C Smith, T Wainwright, Council Officers S Oxtoby (Chief Executive), I Robertson (Executive Director - Major Projects), N Hayes (Executive Director - Place), P Boyce (Executive Director - People), K Sly (Executive Director - Resources), C Dyble (Head of Communications & Marketing), D Glason (Head of Capital Projects & Growth), S Best (Head of Inward Investment), T Williams (Communications Manager), T Read (Project Manager), S Cosham (Project Coordinator, Minute Taker)

Henry Cator (Cator & Co) (Chairman), B Stone (Norfolk County Council), B Williamson (Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust), S Rhoden (Norfolk County Council), D Candon (Bradwell Parish Council), H Birchell (Norfolk County Council), H Hill (Brandon Lewis MP Office), H Sturzaker (Civic Society of Great Yarmouth), J Barnard (Greyfriars Project Management), J Mackintosh (Out There Arts), J Munson (New Anglia LEP), M Whitney (Ellandi), K Moore (Environment Agency), L Hogg (Voluntary Norfolk), L Bevan (Visit Great Yarmouth), N Fairbank (Norfolk Chamber of Commerce), S Gray (EEEGR), S Rimmer (East Coast College), C Richards (East Norfolk Sixth Form), J Jay (Jays UK Ltd), J Mathers (Homes England), J Nix (Department for Work & Pensions), L Bowater (UEA), M Whitney (Ellandi), P Wells (Senior Parliamentary Assistant), R Bush (EEEGR), S Coghlan (Homes England), T Staff (Barclays), B Hogston (NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board), Rachel Hunt (NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board), Inspector Gareth Evans (Norfolk Constabulary), P Mace (Norfolk County Council), Michael Peddar (DLUHC). 

1. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from C Smith, S Oxtoby, I Robertson, L Bevan, S Coglan, S Durrell, S Hall, L Hogg, J Mackintosh, J Munson, J Nix, S Rimmer, C Sargisson, B Stone.

2.  Declaration of Interest

You have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be discussed if it relates to something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare the interest and leave the room while the matter is dealt with.

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  • your wellbeing or financial position
  • that of your family or close friends
  • that of a club or society in which you have a management role
  • that of another public body of which you are a member to a greater extent than others in your ward.

You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.

Whenever you declare an interest, you must say why the interest arises, so that it can be included in the minutes. 

None declared.

2.      Minutes of the 12th June 2023

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 12th June 2023. 

The Minutes from the 12 June 2023 were AGREED as accurate, approved by the Chairman.

Request for summarised Action Log provided within the minutes.

3.      Project and Programme Update

To receive summary updates from Project Sponsors on the progress of project delivery and spend.

Project 1: O&M Campus: David Glason updated the Board following summary presentation, Planning consent granted for Phase 1; Tilbury Douglas appointed as Contractor. Pre commencement planning conditions have been met.  Borough Council has approved options agreement with Peel Ports, to be signed by January 2024. Engaged with interested parties for future operations.

Question raised regarding opening date of Herring Bridge, David confirmed this is not interdependent with the O&M Campus, as the third crossing is a Norfolk County Council project the Borough Council is not in a position to indicate an opening date.

Business Incubator:David Glason updated the Board Stage 3 designs have been completed. Following approval of the Board budget has been reallocated to other projects. The cost plan aligns with budget remaining on project. Planning consent aligned with Local Development Order are in progress.  

Project 2: North Quay Inc capital improvements to rail station: David Glason summarised Cabinet approved project budget in September. Engagement strategy has been launched including developer interest engagement, all parties with a property interest within the site area and legal conversations underway with current owners. Prior information notice issued 30th August 2023 enabling marketing of the project site.  Works to Vauxhall Bridge structural survey completes in November.  Rail Station Improvements is progressed with Community Rail Norfolk and Greater Anglia (Abellio).

B Williams raised concerns about specialist company appointments regarding condition approvement to the bridge, applying learning from previous project. D Glason confirmed an appropriate procurement process will be followed, applying learning from previous works.

P Wells enquired progress of EPOC3 flood resilience. D Glason updated engagement with Environment Agency are underway, assessing further impact along the quayside, economic benefits alongside impact to Great Yarmouth as a whole rather than localised isolation.

H Sturzaker enquired progress of North Quay and The Conge master plan. D Glason updated the developer event held to inform master plan development and strategic vision for the site. The vision will be evolved by the appointed Developer once appointed. The Conge is a residential development and led by an appointed Strategic Partner.

Project 3: GY University and Learning Centre: Natasha Hayes, Project Sponsor summarised fixed contract fee approved. Morgan Sindall appointed as Contractor. Leases issued to tenants for agreement November time. Partnership agreement regarding running of building and curriculum offer in development. Reallocation of Town Deal budget approved by DLUC. Significant amount of press work completed alongside public engagement and updated Hoardings being designed.

T Wainwright enquired progress on proposed Dentistry School and University of Suffolk. N Hayes confirmed awaiting confirmation from IBC whether funding is allocated to set up.  The school will be recorded as priority in the refreshed Town Investment Plan. Awaiting clarification as to purpose of the additional £2m LUF allocation recently announced by DLUC before any budget can be profiled.

M Pedder added more information about long-term plans for the additional £2m funding; advised the Borough Council can profile a proposal for consideration.

Project 4: Restoration and Commercial Repurposing of Winter Gardens: D Glason summarised the presented report. Awaiting decision from Heritage Fund to commence Delivery Phase of project from early 2024.  Planning Committee report scheduled 29th November.

Project 5: Restoration and Repurposing Historic Buildings: Natasha Hayes, project sponsor, summarised scheme managed by Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust.  160 King Street awaiting appointment of commercial operator (Restaurant) and tenant for upper floor flat.  Northwest Tower construction completed, awaiting booking system launch end of 2023.  St John's Church business plan agreed and architect appointed. Transforming into an indoor glamping/experience site.

The Chairman conveyed thanks and appreciation to the Preservation Trust for the hard work they have done for these key heritage assets.

Project 6: Restoration and Adaptation of Icehouse: Natasha Hayes, project sponsor, updated the Board the outputs in place between the differing funding bodies are different and do not put any additional strain on the Town Deal programme. The building has been cleared and storage provision allocated on Fenner Road.

P Wells asked expected date for project completion and opening of venue; N Hayes confirmed risks are identified in the register regarding unexpected revelations and expected opening is January 2025.

Project 8: Selective enhancement of Wayfinding and Connectivity: Natasha Hayes, project sponsor, summarised the trail route, artwork themes have been approved by Town Centre Members Working Group.  Open tender for artwork proposals is live, opportunity for up to 10 sculptures. Due to lower contract value,  can be run internally with an evaluation panel formed to independently decide awards. There are a variety of different themes in line with GYBC Public Events policy. These themes confirmed as

  • Seaside,
  • Street Circus and Performance, Arts, and the Borough's Entertainment Heritage,
  • Maritime and Medieval History - People, Place and Events,
  • Transport and Energy.

Project 8: Wayfinding (Town Wall): Natasha Hayes updated integrating with wayfinding routes along the length of the wall. Indicative costs have been drafted with a Quantity Surveyor being sought to verify costs. A publicity plan will be drafted to ensure greater promotion of the historic wall.

H Sturzaker raised whether illuminating the town wall plans have progressed following conversations with a former GYBC employee two years ago.  Furthermore, whether reconstructing one or two of the historic wall gates can be considered, offering an immersive experience of how the wall originally functioned.  N Hayes confirmed interpretation of the wall is developing as part of the wayfinding experience, suggesting H Sturzaker meets with the Cultural Officer, Hannah Taylor to discuss. ACTION meeting to be arranged.

C Richards sought whether removal of undesirable items could be removed from the wall such as abandoned vehicles and caravan.  N Hayes confirmed some parts of the wall lay within private property. Where the Council is able it will remove undesirable items.

B Williamson is keen to invite Paul Patterson to join the Town Wall meeting with H Sturzacker and H Taylor to present his illustrations and discuss future collaboration. T Read noted for invitation.

Project 10: Smart Digital and Enhanced Connectivity: Karen Sly, project sponsor, updated the Board the Wi-Fi will be installed this year and proposed car park sensors will be installed early 2024. Confident the project outputs will be delivered within timescale and within budget.

All summary reports were NOTED by the Board.

Future High Street Fund Updates

Covered Market works have been completed, fit out and opening dates for food traders are to be confirmed by Property Services and the remaining external stalls due to be removed by end of November. All stalls have been leased and traders are moving in gradually.  C Dyble added the flexible event space was utilized during half-term by Freshly Greated, which increased community engagement alongside Trader engagement.

C Richards suggested opening times for stalls advertised as this was not clear and not all stalls were opened early morning on a Saturday. ACTION advertisement of the market to be considered by Marketing Team.

Due to market inflation and cost escalation, designs are being sought to be redesigned within budget. Contract prices are being reviewed, respective officer working groups are pursuing these updates.  Mobilisation of works is expected to commence from February 2024.

The Conge has appointed a Strategic Partner, to evolve a residential development across the Phase 1 site. Site works and strip out have been completed on site. Final demolition is subject to party wall agreement and utility removal.  Outline permission for 89 homes is under discussion alongside programme for reserved matters application, to be led with Partners.

4. Town Fund Monitoring and Evaluation Report Approval

T Read confirmed the draft M&E report was circulated to the Board with papers, assured this aligns with the submitted and approved Project Adjustment Request budget appropriation.  Spend will commence in the next reporting period at pace. The Outcomes section sets out higher footfall counts, this is due to additional counters installed within the programme area, resulting in greater numbers recorded.  If approved, the report will be submitted to DLUC by deadline 17 November 2023.

Submission of the report as presented was APPROVED by Board.

5. Project Adjustment Request update

S Best presented the strategic financial review of the 9 interventions within Town Investment Plan and Town Deal result. The reallocation of budget to other projects arises from budget savings within some interventions, moved to those with funding gaps.

The Board RATIFIEDtheir previous agreements regarding the PAR budget allocations. NOTED the revised budget as presented. Outputs have been updated to reflect deliverability as projects have progressed.

In parallel, review of the emerging funding gaps within Future High Street Programme and reallocation of budget was presented for information to the Board. Savings from interventions moved into those under financial strain.

S Best confirmed DLUHC reports it is satisfied with proposals and letter filed.   S Best also noted there is a possible discretionary extension of FHSF funding to Sep 2024.

The Board NOTED the report.

6.  Reallocation of Intervention 10: Digital budget to Intervention 7: Wayfinding

The Board were asked to formally approve the following intervention reallocations.

Smart Digital (Intervention 10) underspend reallocated to Wayfinding (Intervention 7), outputs remain the same and will still be achieved with the funding adjustment. Remaining budget falls within delegated flexibilities to Local Authority without requirement of PAR process.

Wayfinding budget increased to enable higher quality artwork procured. Outputs varied in line with those achieved within Trees for Cities wayfinding sub-project, combined across cultural trail and town wall.

The Board APPROVED revised budget and outputs as presented.

7. Leveliing Up Taskforce visit

S Best reported back outcome of the visit held July 2023. A number of delegates were welcomed to the town, toured various Town Deal funded projects including the energy park to demonstrate Great Yarmouth's renewable energy agenda. ACTION Minutes from the visit will be circulated upon request.

8.  Any other business

Towns Plan: M Pedder briefed the Board a further funding stream announced by No.10 and LUF taskforce will be formed to manage delivery of the prospectus. M Pedder will be representative of that taskforce.  Recommended the existing Town Deal Board forms the basis of responsible body to monitor the additional interventions under the new funding stream, utilising existing governance structures. ACTION S Best to explore with M Pedder further information and formation of intervention scoping.

Condition of Town Centre: H Sturzaker raised concerns of the town centre litter and condition, whether any of the £2m additional funding could be directed at improving beautification to encourage visitors to return to the town.

Date of next meeting

The next meeting was confirmed as 29th January 2024 at 2pm, hybrid.

Meeting closed at 14:42hrs


Town Wall: Meeting between H Sturzaker and Hannah Taylor to be coordinated to discuss various Town Wall initiatives.  S Best/H Taylor

Covered Market stall opening times, advertising to be reviewed by Communication and Marketing Team as part of their ongoing publicity of the market. C Dyble

New Towns Funding Taskforce, Proposals for the recently-announced Long-Term Plan for Towns, including revisiting the adopted Town Investment Plan, to be developed as further guidance emerges and the new government Towns Unit is formed. S Best.

Last modified on 04 June 2024

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