Town Deal Board Papers 29 January 2024
Town Deal Board Record 29th January 2024
Time: 2pm
Venue: Hybrid (Microsoft Teams and Council Chamber, Town Hall)
Councillors C Smith, T Wainwright, Council Officers S Oxtoby (Chief Executive), I Robertson (Executive Director - Major Projects), N Hayes (Executive Director - Place), K Sly (Executive Director - Resources), C Dyble (Head of Communications & Marketing), D Glason (Head of Capital Projects & Growth), S Best (Head of Inward Investment), T Williams (Communications Manager), T Read (Project Manager), S Cosham (Project Coordinator, Minute Taker)
Henry Cator (Cator & Co) (Chairman), B Stone (Norfolk County Council), B Williamson (Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust), S Rhoden (Norfolk County Council), H Hamilton (Bradwell Parish Council), H Birchell (Norfolk County Council), H Hill (Brandon Lewis MP Office), H Sturzaker (Civic Society of Great Yarmouth), J Barnard (Greyfriars Project Management), J Mackintosh (Out There Arts), J Munson (New Anglia LEP), M Whitney (Ellandi), K Moore (Environment Agency), L Hogg (Voluntary Norfolk), L Bevan (Visit Great Yarmouth), N Fairbank (Norfolk Chamber of Commerce), S Gray (EEEGR), S Rimmer (East Coast College), C Richards (East Norfolk Sixth Form), J Jay (Jays UK Ltd), J Mathers (Homes England), J Nix (Department for Work & Pensions), L Bowater (UEA), H Harcus (Ellandi), H Jeffery (Ellandi), P Wells (Senior Parliamentary Assistant), R Bush (EEEGR), S Coghlan (Homes England), T Staff (Barclays), B Hogston (NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board), Rachel Hunt (NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board), Inspector Gareth Evans (Norfolk Constabulary), P Mace (Norfolk County Council), Michael Peddar (DLUHC).
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from: T Wainwright, T Williams, L Bevan, L Bowater, R Bush, G Evans, R Goffin, S Hall, S Durrell, L Hogg, J Jay, J Mackintosh, P Mace, J Munson, K Moore, J Nix, C Richards, C Sargison, T Staff, B Stone.
2. Declaration of Interest
You have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter to be discussed if it relates to something on your Register of Interests form. You must declare the interest and leave the room while the matter is dealt with.
You have a Personal Interest in a matter to be discussed if it affects:
- your wellbeing or financial position
- that of your family or close friends
- that of a club or society in which you have a management role
- that of another public body of which you are a member to a greater extent than others in your ward.
You must declare a personal interest but can speak and vote on the matter.
Whenever you declare an interest, you must say why the interest arises, so that it can be included in the minutes.
No declarations were made.
3. Minutes of last meeting held 30th October 2023
The Minutes from the 30th October 2023 meeting were agreed as accurate and approved by the Chairman.
No matters were raised from the previous minutes.
4. Project and Programme Update
Project 1: O&M Campus. D Glason presented the overview of progress as presented in the report. Significant progress has been made on site. Mitigation measures are in place regarding additional site acquisition. No points raised by the Board.
Project 3: The Place (University & Learning Hub): N Hayes presented an overview as detailed in the report. Budget contingency has been utilised but does not require any adjustment, within scope of the project. Opportunity to engage learners and pupils on proposed academic programme is underway ahead of opening the facility. ICB funding being explored further alongside business case development, N Hayes assured this is still in progress while cross-party and cross-stakeholder collaboration is taking place. Engagement with the UEA are ongoing including lease agreement detail.
FHSF Market Public Realm:Covered market has been completed, focus has transferred to realm enhancements, full scope of work and designs have been issued for contract. Governance meetings are programmed regarding contractor selection, seeking to commence operations after Easter Fair, expected completion Winter 2024-25.
Project 4: Restoration and Commercial Repurposing of Winter Gardens: I Robertson presented an overview as detailed in the report. The project has evolved to showcase sustainable temperate planting alongside activity, visitor facilities, interpretation, education and food/beverage provision.
C Smith extended his appreciation and praise for all those who have worked on the substantial funding application to Heritage Fund and continue to do so as the project progresses.
FHSF The Conge:I Robertson presented an update as contained in the report. The project has moved forward along with working positively with the appointed Strategic Partners - who have appointed a professional team. GYBC role will be managing the contract and ensure high quality deliverables are being met. Funding conditions targets are being met, within a tight programme delivery timescale.
C Smith questioned any delays on demolition works as recent site visits appear to have stalled. IR confirmed demolition is due to recommence after resolving utility connection delays. Communications will be prepared once dates from the Contractor are received.
H Sturzakerquestioned the heating approach for the proposed dwellings. IR will investigate and bring to the next Board meeting. A sustainable heating solution is desired.
Project 2: North Quay: I Robertson presented an overview as detailed in the report. Governance is in place between Council services to manage asset transfer and site development. Following a Developer awareness event held in 2023, and subsequent engagement ongoing until end February 2024, a Developer is due to be selected based on tender bids.
Project 9: Enhancement to Rail Station: D Glason presented as per the report and update on the forecourt works of the rail station. Programme of works and cost plan is coming to a close before being presented for agreement with stakeholders and partners. Expect to implement from March 2024.
Project 2b Business Incubator Units South Denes: D Glason confirmed the masterplan development works have been completed as previously reported to the Board. Proposals have been submitted to the Local Planning Authority and funding is being sought to resume delivery of the project.
D Candon offered it would be wise to utilise the new Towns Funding announced should the project meet its criteria.
Project 5: Restoration and Repurposing Historic Buildings: N Hayes presented an overview as detailed in the report. Two interventions of the project have been completed, awaiting operation. St John's Church is progressing to develop funding applications, business case and appointment of contractor.
Project 6: Restoration and Adaptation of Ice House: N Hayes presented an overview as detailed in the report. Contractors have been appointed and strip-out works have completed. Building Control have approved the scheme. Building works expected to complete by end of 2024 and further funding applications are being developed to extend project scope.
Project 8: Selective enhancement of Wayfinding and Connectivity: N Hayes presented an overview as detailed in the report. Sculpture submissions have been received and reviewed, a larger response than expected with many impressive sculptures. Shortlisting has been completed and artist engagement, led by T Read, has commenced to schedule installations. The Chairman formally conveyed praise to T Read for her efforts and hard work on delivering this intervention.
Town Wall enhancements is progressing in liaison with the Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust. Prioritisation of the wall repairs and project plan have been produced. A Quantity Surveyor needs to be appointed to accurately cost and multiple surveys to commence.
Project 10: Smart Digital and Enhanced Connectivity: K Sly presented an overview as detailed in the report. Delay to wi-fi installation has been reprogrammed, car parking sensors reviewed and falls outside scope of the project, the team are reviewing alternative interventions to utilise the digitisation funding.
5. Long Term Plan (LTP)
S Best gave a presentation setting out scope and aspirations for a long-term plan. Consisting of £20m of endowment style funding and support to invest of the next 10 years. The LTP comprises a 10-year vision, clearly identifying longer-term priorities for the town and a 3-4 year investment plan activities.
The original Town Investment Plan has been utilised as the foundation for the proposed LTP. Government are content the funding goes towards existing investment packages as well as new projects; this will enable some projects taken to inception/development and feasibility stage, could progress into delivery stage. This could benefit projects such as Business Incubator Units in South Denes.
H Sturzacker offered the Civic Society produced a regeneration plan report three year ago, which may be useful to inform the LTF. AGREED the report will be passed to T Read for collation of options.
6. Approval for Long-Term Plan
The submission programme was presented to the Board, along with information on the approval process for intervention proposals. M Pedder added that vigorous business case scrutiny will be applied before approval to ensure deliverability.
Community Engagement Specification
T Read gave a presentation setting out requirements and objectives of community engagement. A greater emphasis is placed on engagement, reflecting the three core priorities of the LTP. Based on recommendations provided by DLUHC will be applied to early consultation and engagement activities. This includes capturing residents and groups previously resistant to engagement approaches.
Capacity funding is available, proposing to utilise £25,000 to bring in external expertise to lead the engagement package. A timeline was presented for information.
The Board AGREED the engagement plan as presented.
Modifications to Terms of Reference
These will need to be updated alongside membership to ensure the Board continues to meet the requirements of the Town Deal and future Long-Term Plan governance requirements. A senior representative from Norfolk Constabulary, High School level education sector, and youth advisory board will be brought onto the Board. The Board VOTED in FAVOUR of the terms of reference update and expansion of membership.
7. Any other business
FHSF 6 Month Extension Request: S Oxtoby reported an extension period has been approved, confident full expenditure of the funding will be achieved, this particularly benefits the Market Public Realm improvements until September 2024.
Town Deal and LUF Deep Dive Assurance Review: DLUHC notified the Council in December 2023 an assurance review would be launched. Response to the audit has commenced and focuses primarily on procurement practices. Evidence has been provided and should conclude by mid-February.
8. Date of next meeting
The next meeting was confirmed as 4pm 25th March 2024 and will be held IN PERSON.
Monday 3rd June is also earmarked for a future Board meeting. To be confirmed by T Read.
Meeting closed at 14:54hrs