Comments, compliments and complaints
Great Yarmouth Borough Council's aims
We aim to provide high quality services to anyone who lives, works or visits here. If you are happy with the work we do, or if you want to complain about a service or our response to a request, you can register your comments with us. You might find the following documents useful:
How do I give my comments, compliments and complaints?
You can complete our comments, compliments and complaints form or send us an email.
You could also:
- Telephone us at 01493 856100
- Write to Complaints, Democratic Services, Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF
- Visit us during office hours at the Town Hall or Greyfriars House
- Contact your Borough Councillor (opens new window)
How do I make a complaint about a councillor?
All councillors are subject to a code of conduct. If you think your councillor has breached this code, you can submit the online Members code of conduct complaints form.
The Council's appointed Independent Person, acting together with the Monitoring Officer, will review whether the action requires formal investigation.
What happens if I don't like the Council's response?
You can ask for a review of our response. If you still want to take the matter further, you can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.