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Monitoring and evidence

Environmental evidence

Landscape Character Assessment (2008)

This study characterises the different landscapes in the borough and identifies implications for management and development:

Settlement Fringe Landscape Sensitivity Study (2016)

This study provides an assessment of the sensitivity of landscape around settlements and the capacity for development within those landscapes: 

Disturbance to birds and implications for strategic planning and development control (2008)

This study assessed the impacts of increased recreation associated with new development on the Little Tern Colony at North Denes and Winterton:

Great Yarmouth Habitats Monitoring and Mitigation Strategy (2019)

This document provides a strategy for mitigating the impacts arising from development on protected habitats which form part of the National Site Network (formerly Natura 2000):

Green Infrastructure and Recreational Avoidance Mitigation Strategy (2021)

This document provides a Norfolk-wide strategy for mitigating the impacts arising from development on protected habitats. 

Shoreline Management Plan (2012)

This document sets out a strategy for managing coastal change; it has informed the Coastal Change Management Area and requirements in Policy GSP4 of the Local Plan Part 2: 

Surface Water Management Plan (2013)

This document provides a Surface Water Management Plan for Great Yarmouth; it investigates the risk of surface water flooding and identifies measures to address it:

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 Report (2017)

This study assesses the risk of flooding from all sources:

Water Cycle Strategy - Scoping Study (2009)

This study provides an initial assessment of the impact of proposed growth in the Local Plan Part 2 on water resources, flood risk, wastewater treatment capacity and sewer network capacity: 

Last modified on 27 April 2023

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