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Awards for shops, businesses and market traders

The Civic Society of Great Yarmouth is about to launch a campaign to reward shops, businesses and market traders in the town centre who go that extra mile. During March and early April members of their awards committee will be assessing these premises under four categories: Retail, businesses - banks, betting shops, estate agents etc. - food and drink establishments and stalls on the six day market.

All establishments will be hand delivered a notice about the awards and if they do not wish to
participate they have been asked to inform the Civic Society at

As a result of the judging, the best (up to ten) in each category will be given a certificate to display
indicating that they are a finalist in the competition. An awards ceremony will be held in mid May
when the winner in each category will be announced.

Hugh Sturzaker, chair of the Civic Society, says "Throughout the country the retail trade and
markets are suffering and we hope that this awards initiative will help local businesses. There are
many which show great pride in their premises but there are some that could do better and we
hope that this awards scheme will stimulate them to do so for the benefit of the whole town. We
are most grateful to the Town Centre Partnership which is helping to sponsor the event."

The Civic Society is aiming to put the pride back into the town and hopes more people will join it
for £10 a year. The next talk is by Dr. Mark Rumble entitled 'Secrets of Great Yarmouth: Ancient
Origins, Hidden Places and interesting Characters". It will be held in Christchurch, King Street,
NR30 2HL where people may join the Society or pay £3 just for the evening's talk. Further details
are on the website:


Press release issued on behalf of Great Yarmouth Civic Society, March 14, 2019

Last modified on 20 March 2019

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