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Examination period for Great Yarmouth's Third River Crossing gets underway

The government authority responsible for overseeing the planning process for projects of national importance has today (Tuesday 24 September) started its examination into the proposed Great Yarmouth Third River Crossing.

Following a preliminary meeting held at Great Yarmouth Racecourse this morning, the Planning Inspectorate has now started its examination of the project's Development Consent Order application during which there will be several opportunities for people to provide more details of their views on the project.

The first stage of this examination was an open floor hearing this evening at which Cllr Graham Plant, Deputy Leader at both Norfolk County Council and Great Yarmouth Borough Council, and Ellen Goodwin, Infrastructure Manager at the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership, spoke to give their full backing to the project. Representations were also made by individuals including local residents, business owners and representatives from community groups and organisations.

Cllr Plant said: "As an economic and cultural powerhouse, the borough of Great Yarmouth is renowned as a global hub for investment, growth and expertise.

"There is, quite literally, a sea of unique and energising opportunities just over the horizon - and the Third River Crossing is key to our future success, supporting our area-based plans to drive regeneration, investment and inclusive growth for the borough, Norfolk and wider region. 

"This critical infrastructure project by Norfolk County Council will see a dual carriageway road crossing the River Yare via a new double-leaf lifting bridge, linking the port and top-performing energy related Enterprise Zone, which we're working with Peel Ports to grow and develop, to the A47 national trunk road network at Harfrey's roundabout."

Ellen Goodwin said: "The scheme will help to deliver our strategic ambitions by encouraging further investment in the Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Coast, a global centre of oil, gas, nuclear and renewable energy generation and infrastructure, and an identified Priority Place in the Norfolk and Suffolk Economic Strategy.

"The project will improve local access and journey time resilience by reducing congestion and support the regeneration of Great Yarmouth to help the visitor and retail economy by removing heavy traffic from unsuitable routes. This will not only improve the environment and public safety it will also encourage the use of sustainable transport and help boost social mobility."

In February 2018, the Third River Crossing was confirmed as a nationally significant project. This means Norfolk County Council will require a Development Consent Order under the Planning Act in order to construct, maintain and operate the bridge and its approaches.

At the end of the examination period, which will take up to six months to complete, the examining authority from the Planning Inspectorate will have three months to submit its report and recommendation for the project to the Secretary of State for Transport. The Secretary of State will then have a further three months to decide whether to grant the Development Consent Order.

Should the Third River Crossing be successful in gaining a Development Consent Order the County Council will be able to start construction on schedule in late 2020, with the aim of opening the bridge to traffic by early 2023.

For more information about the Third River Crossing, visit



Press release issued on behalf of Norfolk County Council, September 25, 2019.

Last modified on 25 October 2019

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