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What is community-led housing?

What is the purpose of community-led housing?

Community-led housing has been created to achieve:

  • stronger neighbourhoods, shared spaces, mutual support - becoming increasingly popular for older people, reducing their reliance on public services including social care
  • permanent affordability and local control of assets - genuinely affordable housing in perpetuity, exempt from Right to Buy, designed to remain affordable despite the widening gap between local house prices and local incomes
  • building neighbourhoods - group self-build and collective custom build supports households to work together to develop their own homes, supporting each other through the process and building strong neighbourhoods and local skills
  • greater local accountability and control over housing management - empowering local residents to control and manage their homes, leading to improved efficiencies and financial savings, offers opportunities to invest in wider social beneficial activities
  • tackling empty properties - revitalising neighbourhoods, feed into homelessness strategy by offering opportunities to provide work experience and training to people from vulnerable backgrounds in safe and supportive environments, creating their own homes
Last modified on 19 July 2024

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