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Easter reminder: Great Yarmouth is closed to tourists

Norfolk's largest coastal resort is running an eye-catching social media campaign over Easter to remind would-be tourists to stay away and safe at home to help protect the NHS and save lives during the coronavirus pandemic.

Easter Campaign image

While the Easter bank holiday weekend normally marks the start of Great Yarmouth's season, the message this year from the borough council and tourism businesses is that the resort is closed to visitors, with attractions, seafront car parks and holiday parks shut to the public as part of national social distancing measures.

The campaign will run over the four days and is aimed at those who might be tempted to break the restrictions by making unnecessary journeys to Great Yarmouth, Gorleston-on-Sea, or the local village resorts, and potentially congregating on the seafronts and beaches.

The campaign features traditional seaside imagery with slogans delivering the serious #StayatHome message. This includes a life ring with the message "Stay Home, Be a Lifesaver", and an ice cream with the message "No amount of whippy is worth the risk. Stay at Home." There will also be posts about alternative activities families can do safely at home.

Cllr Carl Smith, the council leader, said: "While Easter is normally the start of the season and we'd be promoting the borough for visitors, the national measures and messages are clear, so we're asking visitors to continue to stay away, while we do all we can to support our residents and local businesses as part of the Norfolk-wide response.

"Please stay home this Easter, protect the NHS and save lives. Great Yarmouth is closed to tourists at current. Attractions and car parks are shut as part of supporting the national efforts to reduce the spread of coronavirus. Now is not the time for tourism, but we look forward to welcoming visitors again in the future."

Lyndon Bevan, chairman of the Greater Yarmouth Tourism and Business Improvement Area (GYTABIA), said: "We understand people's desire to visit our wide open beaches and spend time in our quiet villages at what is a very challenging and uncertain time. However, the safety of our tourists and residents is paramount, so we request that people stay home for the foreseeable future to protect themselves as well as others. 

"Those who own holiday homes and caravans in the area are also urged not to visit their secondary residence at this time. This will ease the pressure on our hard-working local health and emergency professionals, who are desperately needed to look after the resident population."

He added: "We are doing all we can to help our local business owners and their employees cope with economic impact of their current closures. This includes making them aware of any Government support schemes that can support them."

Last modified on 16 April 2020

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