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Modification of planning conditions relating to construction working hours

The aim of the new temporary fast track deemed consent route under Section 74B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 is to enable urgent changes to construction working hours to support safe construction working in line with the government's latest social distancing guidance on construction and other outdoor work. For many construction sites, implementation of this guidance will require changes to working practices, including staggered starts and finishes, requiring different hours of operation to those which are currently permitted for the site through planning conditions.

Section 74B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 provides a temporary, fast track deemed consent route for developers to apply to local planning authorities to vary existing conditions, or the details submitted under a condition, that limit construction site working hours. Local authorities have 14 calendar days to consider such applications.

If an application is approved, this will temporarily amend planning restrictions on construction working hours until 1 April 2021, unless either another earlier date has been requested by the applicant or is decided upon by the local planning authority, with the agreement of the applicant. Where the planning authority is considering a different end date to that in the application, it is recommended that the developer and planning authority respond promptly to one another to reach an agreement prior to the 14 day determination deadline.

If the local planning authority does not determine the application within 14 days (excluding public holidays), the revised working hours are deemed to have been consented to and construction can take place in accordance with these new hours.

Further information can be found by visiting GOV.UK: Construction working hours: guidance.

To submit a request to modify construction working hours, please complete an application form:

Last modified on 10 May 2022

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