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Village votes taking place this Thursday

Residents in three Norfolk villages have the chance to influence the future of their neighbourhoods in votes being held this week.

Ballot box. Credit: Element5 / Unsplash

Referendums on new Neighbourhood Plans for Filby, Rollesby, and Winterton-on-Sea will take place on Thursday 24 February 2022.

A Neighbourhood Plan is a formal plan, usually prepared by a parish council or local community group, which provides an opportunity to help shape the development of buildings and changes in land use within the area.

The plans must pass through a series of formal stages and follow nationally set 'basic conditions' before coming into force. In order to be adopted, plans must receive at least 50% of the votes cast in a referendum.

Residents can take part in the referendum if they are entitled to vote in local government elections and their qualifying address is in the referendum area.

The question being posed to residents in each village is whether people would like Great Yarmouth Borough Council and the Broads Authority to use the proposed Neighbourhood Plan to help decide planning applications in their area.

Cllr Carl Annison, chairman of the Development Control committee said: "We encourage all those who are entitled to vote in these referendums to do so, as it is a great opportunity for residents to have their say on how future developments in their immediate areas are formed."

Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm. The polling stations for each village are:

  • Filby: Club Room, Main Road
  • Rollesby: The Pavilion, Playing field, Main Road
  • Winterton: Village Hall, King Street

Each plan is available to view online on our Neighbourhood Planning page.

Last modified on 03 January 2024

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