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Surface water flooding

What can you do beforehand?

It is important to plan ahead and think about what you could do if it did happen to you. Find out as much as you can about the risk of flooding, protecting your property, the types of products available or preventative measures you may wish to consider to protect your property (eg air vent covers, non-return valves).

Put together a plan so you can be better prepared if it does happen.

Think about:

Who do you need to contact and how?

  • keep a list of important contacts
  • agree where you would go and how to contact each other
  • think about who you could ask for help
  • think about who you could help, particularly the elderly and more vulnerable

What would you need to move to a place of safety?

  • think about what you can move now, don't wait for a flood
  • keep important documents and irreplaceable items of personal value in a safe place
  • pets
  • cars
  • electrical equipment (for example computers or television)

Your insurance policy

  • check your buildings and contents cover
  • confirm you are covered for flooding
  • does it have a limit on repairs?
  • does the policy replace new for old?
  • don't underestimate the value of your contents
  • difficulty getting insurance, check with Flood Re - a scheme that enables home owners to find affordable insurance if an eligible property is at risk of flooding

Gas, electricity and water supplies

  • know how to turn your supply on and off, and that they work
  • mark taps or switches with stickers to help you remember
  • if unsure, ask the next time you have the meter checked

Prepare an Emergency Kit of essential items and keep it handy. It should include:

  • your list of important contact details
  • insurance policy number or copies of documents
  • torch with spare batteries or a wind-up torch
  • battery or wind-up radio
  • first aid kit and prescription medication
  • bottled water and non perishable foods
  • baby food and baby care items (if appropriate)
  • in the event of leaving home, don't forget spare keys and your wallet/purse/any medication (for example an inhaler)
Last modified on 15 November 2023

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