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Surface water flooding

Other things to consider

  • water butts can provide a small scale flood storage and reduce the amount of water that would add to the 'run off' affecting your, or adjoining, property
  • consider more permeable surfaces such as grass and gravel to allow water to soak away naturally - this reduces 'run off' from hard surfaces such as tarmac that can cause flooding
  • if you are building an extension or conservatory, patio or driveway, ensure that all surface water drainage will not add to the flood risk in your area - consider permeable paving to allow water to soak through the surface for storage below and slow release into the ground or drainage system
  • ensure guttering, downpipes, drainage gates are not obstructed
  • ensure ditches are not obstructed and do not dump rubbish which can block the flow of water
  • improve drainage in areas already prone to flooding
  • if you live in a flood risk area, consider more permanent flood preventative products such as flood proof doors, air brick covers, sewer brakes (to prevent backflow through the sewer system)
Last modified on 15 November 2023

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