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The Norfolk County Community Safety Partnership NCCSP

Great Yarmouth Borough Council is part of Norfolk's Countywide Community Safety Partnership (NCCSP) which is made up of all of Norfolk's district councils, Norfolk County Council, Police, the Office of the  Police and Crime Commissioners for Norfolk along with others, who are committed to working in partnership with victims and communities to tackle crime, antisocial behaviour and community safety.

Using this multi-agency approach the NCCSP Plan (2021-2024) which sits on the Police and Crime Commissioners website, has determined key priorities where a multi agency response is required as the issues are complex and require collaboration to make an impact.

The key priorities are:

  • Criminal Exploitation - the use of power imbalances for coercion, control, manipulation or deception of adults, young people and children to take part in criminal activity for the purpose of criminal gains
  • Domestic abuse and sexual violence - domestic abuse and sexual violence affects tens of thousands of people every year in Norfolk
  • Hate Crime - hate crimes are crimes perceived to have been motivated by prejudice or hostility towards a victim's characteristic whether it is race , sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability or religious beliefs
  • Fraud - fraud affects thousands of people across Norfolk and leads to losses of over £16 million each year
  • Neighbourhood Crime and ASB - responding to and tackling neighbourhood crime and anti social behaviour (ASB) is a key priority for Norfolk's County Community Safety Partnership
  • Serious Violence - the Home office serious violence strategy defines serious violence as specific types of crime such as homicide, knife crime, gun crime and areas of criminality where serious violence or its' threat is inherent, such as in gangs and county lines drugs dealing
  • Preventing Extremism and radicalisation - Prevent is part of the UK'S counter terrorism strategy referred to as The Contest Framework, which consists of the four 'p' work strands
    • Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
    • Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks
    • Protect: to strengthen out protection against a terrorist attack
    • Prepare: to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack
Last modified on 12 June 2024

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