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Mayor officially opens The Garden Tea Rooms

His Worship the Mayor has officially opened the new Garden Tea Rooms following its successful soft launch back in September.

No change for Great Yarmouth constituency in boundary proposals

The Boundary Commission for England has published new revised proposals for constituencies across the country and opens a final month-long consultation, giving the public a last opportunity to send in their views.

Local school children help Mayor plant trees in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

His Worship the Mayor, and children from local schools across the borough, have planted trees in Great Yarmouth in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Additional support available to help with rising energy costs

Residents who have already received their one-off payment to help towards rising energy costs but still struggling with energy bills may be able to receive further support.

Do you have memories of the East Coast floods?

Residents are being encouraged to share their memories of the East Coast floods as the 70th anniversary of the devastating event approaches.

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