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Current planning consultations planning and building control consultations for the Great Yarmouth Borough.
Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves neighbourhood plan - Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Regulation 16 consultation 16 consultation on the Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan
Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves neighbourhood plan - Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan status on the current status of Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan
Closed - Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan consultation on the Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan (2022-2038) has now closed
Neighbourhood planning - Current neighbourhood planning status neighbourhood plan is a formal plan about development (building and changes in the use of land) and can be prepared by a local community (usually a parish cou...
Notice of election - Rollesby Parish of election - Rollesby Parish
Business rates - About business rates rates are taxes paid on business properties. Use our online form to register a new business.
Council Tax - Voice messages and texts voice messages about council tax from Great Yarmouth Borough Council will come from 01493 236084, 01493 236118 or 01493 236048, and text messages will...
Business rates - Business Rates tax - voice messages and texts voice messages about business rates from Great Yarmouth Borough Council will come from 01493 236114 or 01493 236128, and text messages will show as GY...
Annual Complaint and Service Improvement Report 2023-24 report provides information on the complaints received about the Council's Housing Assets Service which is responsible for the management and maintenance o...
Hemsby and coastal erosion - frequently asked questions - What advice is available around potential property purchases? of our coast across the Coastal Partnership East (CPE) frontage is at some risk of coastal erosion. This risk varies greatly across the area. CPE is unable...
Emergency out of hours service you need to contact the Council out of hours for emergency situations you can phone us on 01323 690805 and follow the instructions provided on the call - thi...