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Planning information - How is my submitted data used by the Council? read: this detailing how submitted information is handled the Council's
Privacy notice: purchase of residential properties for Council use document details Great Yarmouth Borough Council's Privacy Notice regarding the use of personal information for the purchase of residential...
Media enquiries - What is the council's overarching approach to effective communications? sets out the Council's overarching approach to effective communications across the authority. The Strategy represents a co-ordinated...
Public Art Trail - frequently asked questions - Why is the Council installing a Public Art Trail? project intent is to populate the urban area of Yarmouth with a variety of artworks which will create a uniquely fascinating free to access outdoor art gall...
Procurement - Supplying the Council - Where else does the Council advertise tender opportunities? Yarmouth Borough Council advertises contracts that are valued over £25,000 on the GOV.UK Contracts Finder.
Procurement - Supplying the Council - What is important to the Council in the way it buys goods and services? the Council is spending public money, it is important that we get the most out of all that we need to spend.
Renting a Council garage - How do I apply for a Council garage? complete our online garage application form to apply for a garage or enter the waiting list until a garage becomes available.
Great Yarmouth Borough Council Landlord Forum Agenda forum is an opportunity for you to meet with other landlords, agents, and council staff.
Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) - How is my submitted data used by the Council? Notice: Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)
Procurement - Supplying the Council - Does the Council use standard terms and conditions? we occasionally need to add specific terms for contracts, we have standard contract and purchase conditions which apply to all contracts.
Sundry debts - What steps will the Council take to recover unpaid invoices? to have a problem paying the account, it is important that you contact the Council as soon as possible to avoid debt recovery action.
Heritage and arts - How is the Council working to preserve and protect our heritage? Yarmouth features a number of remarkable heritage sites, some of which are at risk and in need of repair and restoration.