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Universal Credit six working age benefits for Jobseeker's Allowance, Housing Benefit, Working Tax Credit, Income Support, Child Tax Credit...
Privacy notice: Human Resources (Employment) Council collects and processes personal data relating to its employees to manage the employment relationship. The Council is committed...
Heritage and arts - How is the Council working to preserve and protect our heritage? Yarmouth features a number of remarkable heritage sites, some of which are at risk and in need of repair and restoration.
Council insurance claims - Who is responsible for insuring a former Council flat? we are the freeholder of your building, we are responsible for the buildings insurance. You will pay your share as part of your service charges. You must not...
Freedom of information - Where can I find the Council's FOI policies? Council's policies regarding Freedom of Information and Environmental Information requests.
Heritage and arts - What is the Council doing to promote arts and culture? is ongoing to develop and deliver ambitious projects and initiatives that expand and enrich the town's culture and heritage offering for residents and visi...
Council insurance claims - Who is the Council insured by for Public Liability claims? to pay compensation to the third party arises. Only Great Yarmouth Borough Council and its employees are covered through the...
National Fraud Initiative - What legislation requires the Council to provide the data? use of data by the Cabinet Office in a data matching exercise is carried out with statutory authority under Part 6 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act...
Council insurance claims - Who will the Council share insurance claims information with? may need to share the information you give us with our insurer, legal representatives, contractors or outside bodies who may be involved in the defence of th...
Skin piercing and special treatments - Can the Council refuse to register a premises or operator? - but we will inspect your premises to make sure you meet the required standards laid out in the byelaws.
Water and Leisure Complex - Public feedback and Council responses Council held two weeks of public engagement on the concept designs for the Marina Centre in March 2019. Public feedback has since...
Planning information - How is my submitted data used by the Council? read: this detailing how submitted information is handled the Council's