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Contract Register contract register details goods and services procured by the Council.
Housing benefit overpayments - Why do overpayments happen? may have to work out your benefit amount again because you have had a change in your circumstances or we have found a mistake. If your benefit goes down and ...
Procurement and Commissioning Strategy Introduction As central government funding decreases, it is important that the Council spends its money strategically, so that it can...
Hemsby and coastal erosion - frequently asked questions - If a property has to be demolished because it is unsafe and structurally unsound due to erosion who pays for the work to be carried out and how does the process work? Council is obliged to offer and facilitate demolition. The Council then reclaims the cost of demolition from the Government.
Corporate enforcement policy policy sets out what businesses and individuals being regulated by the Council can expect from the Council's enforcement officers.
Medium Term Financial Strategy 2023-24 - 8. Financial and business strategy section outlines in more detail the key themes of the financial and business strategy that should be prioritised over the short to medium term to reduce th...
Register for housing - How do I make a housing application? to make an application to join the Housing Register.
Brownfield register - If my land is entered onto the register, how will the Borough Council use my details? Borough Council will be required to publish the map provided as part of the register. The Borough Council will not pass identifiable...
Renting a Council garage - Introduction have a number of Council garages available for let across the Borough. Find out how to apply for a council garage, rental costs, what...
Apply for an immigration inspection - How do I arrange an inspection? on prerequisites for immigration inspection by Great Yarmouth Borough Council
Licensing Committee Licensing Committee's purpose is to develop and adopt policies in accordance with the Council's strategies.
Rents tenants: Rents contact details