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Gypsy and traveller site Yarmouth Borough Council owns one traveller site.
Garden waste collection service: terms and conditions on the respective rights and obligations of the user of the garden waste collection service and the Council.
Waste collection policy - Bulky waste collections Council offers all residents a chargeable bulky waste collection service.
Waste collection policy - Offensive or hygiene waste Council does not offer a separate collection for low grade offensive or hygiene waste.
Waste collection policy - Garden and house clearances Council will offer a discretionary service for the removal of larger volumes of household waste.
Waste collection policy - Ownership of bins bins remain the property of the Borough Council, except for garden waste bins.
Community safety work closely with the Police, Norfolk County Council and other groups to improve community safety in the Borough.
Community safety - How do I report anti-social behaviour? the types of issues that the Council will deal with, as well as those it will not.
Regulator of Social Housing: Regulatory Notice findings following the Council's self-referral to the Regulator in August 2022.
Housing repairs policy - Planned maintenance repairs policy statement on planned works and investment in council homes.
Elections and voting - How and why is my personal data processed for Electoral Services? Electoral Registration Officer at Great Yarmouth Borough Council (the Council), is the data controller for the purposes of the General...
Councillors Code of Conduct complaints procedure may be made about an elected or co-opted member of Great Yarmouth Borough Council or the parish councils within the borough.