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Town Deal: Our Place is Your Stage


Great Yarmouth has secured a Town Deal of £20.1m Government investment to deliver an exciting £60m vision supporting economic regeneration, recovery, jobs and growth across the borough's main urban areas.

The major capital funding, confirmed in the Chancellor's Budget, follows submission in December of an ambitious Town Investment Plan for Great Yarmouth, Gorleston and Bradwell, focussing on attracting further investment, driving economic regeneration and recovery.

With a focus on attracting further investment, driving economic regeneration and recovery, the ambition is to take Our Place to the next stage: to reinvent public places, to tap into and grow a thriving arts and cultural scene, to support new homes, nurture new jobs, businesses and new opportunities to learn and grow, to make our people, businesses and visitors proud.

Our residents and communities are at the heart of our ambition to realise a vibrant and inclusive coastal economy that builds upon our successes and our strengths in clean energy and culture, capitalises upon our natural assets, heritage and attractions and responds to emerging cultural and technological challenges.

To discover more about our Town Deal submission and our ambitions for Great Yarmouth:

To see the area where the Town Deal Fund is planned to be invested, view the Town investment plan map.

What is a Town Deal and the Town Deal Board?

The Government invited Great Yarmouth, Gorleston and Bradwell as one of just 101 places to apply for a Town Deal of up to £25m to drive economic regeneration, recovery, jobs and growth through:

  • Urban regeneration, planning and land use
  • Skills and enterprise infrastructure
  • Connectivity

As part of community engagement in developing the Town Deal submission, the Council worked closely with a Town Deal Board of local professional sector and place leaders to develop an evidence-based Town Investment Plan about how that money could be spent in order to support the funding application.

This advisory board has a diverse membership including strategic thought leaders, investors and entrepreneurs, academics and creatives. The chairman is local business representative, Henry Cator, who is also the local High Steward, and the vice chairman is Chris Sargisson, chief executive of the Norfolk Chambers of Commerce.  

Diverse membership comprises leaders from:

  • Councils
  • Leading local business representing key sectors
  • Business Improvement Districts and business groups
  • New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
  • Local colleges and the University of East Anglia
  • Great Yarmouth MP Brandon Lewis
  • Great Yarmouth Civic Society
  • Arms-length Governmental bodies and NGOs (non-governmental organisations)
  • Private investors and developers
  • Arts and cultural bodies

The Town Deal Board oversees the Town Deal funding and ensures continued community engagement takes place during intervention development and delivery. 

How has the community been involved in shaping the plans?

Community and stakeholder engagement has been central to shaping the Town Investment Plan. 

Over the last 3 years, the diverse Town Deal Board of local ambassadors from private, public and third sector organisations, including strategic thought leaders, investors and entrepreneurs, academics and creatives, has worked closely with the Council to develop the application, shaping it through feedback from two public surveys and discussions with young people and businesses about community needs and priorities.

After careful consideration of public feedback, which demonstrated strong community support for the exciting vision, investment is sought from Government towards projects across four interlocking themes:

  • Regeneration & Business Development
  • Skills & Aspiration
  • Arts, Culture & Tourism
  • Connectivity & Sustainability

In the local survey, 80% of nearly 400 respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the Town Investment Plan provides the right mix of priorities and ideas to make it a more attractive place to live, work, invest and create in. An overwhelming majority agreed that the investment themes are important or very important.

Can I learn more about the Town Deal Board?

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