Anti-social behaviour toolkit
Not sure what is considered anti-social behaviour (ASB) or how to report incidents? Find out here with our helpful toolkit.
Please use the information on this page to help identify and manage ASB incidents. It outlines what is and what is not ASB, and the helpful steps you can take.
We want everyone to enjoy living in their home and we ask our tenants to be considerate and tolerant towards their neighbours. In the first instance, please do speak to your neighbour as they may not realise the impact they are having on you and the enjoyment of your home. It is also good to notify your neighbour when you may create some noise, eg when you are carrying out DIY that will result in some continual noise until the job is complete.
If you do not feel comfortable approaching your neighbour, or you have tried and the situation has not improved, then please contact the Tenancy team:
- t: 01493 846825 or 846839
- e:
On our Community safety page, find out how the Council works with other organisations to improve community safety across the borough. Also find out:
- how to report safeguarding concerns
- how to report anti-social behaviour that is not related to council homes
- more information about ASB Case Reviews
Acts and threats of violence
This is a criminal offence and you need to report this to Norfolk Police (opens new window) immediately. You must also let them know if you are concerned about your safety.
Once you have reported it to Norfolk Police, please contact us with the details so we can investigate whether there is a breach of tenancy.
Drug dealing
This could be the use of drugs, or dealing, within Council properties and communal areas.
This is a criminal offence and should be reported to Norfolk Police (opens new window) immediately. You must also let them know if you are concerned about your safety.
Once you have reported it to the police, please contact us with the details so we can investigate any tenancy breaches.
Hate crime
This is a criminal offence and you need to report it to Norfolk Police (opens new window) immediately. You must also let them know if you are concerned about your safety.
Once you have reported it to the police, please contact us with the incident report number and the officer's name, so we can:
- make contact and work with the officer
- agree the next steps with you and the police
- investigate any tenancy breaches
You can find help and support on the Stop Hate UK (opens new window) website and its 24 hour helpline 0800 138 1625.
Noise nuisance
Examples of noise nuisance:
- loud parties
- shouting
- loud music
- dog barking
- door slamming
It is considered ASB if the noise is persistent, meaning if the disturbance lasts for continuous periods of over 30 minutes a day for at least five days within one week. It is not usually considered ASB if it is not persistent.
We would not consider sounds relating to general living as ASB. This can include noise such as:
- vacuuming
- walking around
- doors opening and closing
- general conversations
- children playing
What to do?
Firstly, we would suggest you have a friendly word with your neighbour, as they may not be aware they are disturbing you.
If you still feel you are being disturbed, please contact the Tenancy team. The team may suggest you download The Noise App (opens new window) to log noise disturbance directly. This will allow the officer to understand if the noise is a breach of tenancy. An officer will discuss this with you and provide you with access. You can download the free app to your iPhone or Android device. The Noise App helps you record and report noise nuisance directly to us.
You will be required to register your details following installation and select Great Yarmouth Borough Council as your service provider.
If the disturbance is neighbours arguing and shouting, this is not usually considered ASB unless it is persistent. However, if you have a concern for an adult or child in one of our homes, you can report this direct to:
- Norfolk County Council
Adult Social Services
t: 0344 800 8020
Unpleasant smells (including drugs)
This is smells, including drugs, in the communal areas.
Please complete the online form and report to Norfolk Police (opens new window) through its website.
You can also report this through the Love Clean Streets app - in the Category field, please select GYBC Social Housing - Anti-social behaviour when submitting a report. For further information about the Love Clean Street app, please see our Report a street problem page.
If illegal substances are being used, our priority is to support individuals to overcome any challenges.
If you need any advice to help a neighbour, you can contact Change Grow Live (opens new window).
What will we do?
Please report any issues to the Council so we understand the impact on the community and discuss what steps we can take.
Enviro-crime in communal areas
You can help us keep communal areas clean and stop enviro-crime spoiling where you live.
Examples of enviro-crime include:
- dog fouling
- fly-tipping
- graffiti
- abandoned vehicles
See our page on reporting street problems on how to report enviro-crime directly to the Tenancy team. Where you have a caretaker service, that can assist you with making any reports.
Where we spot an enviro-crime, or it has been reported to us, we will investigate the issue. Collection and clear up may not happen immediately while we check the facts and work to deter future enviro-crime.
What is not considered to be anti-social behaviour?
The examples below may sometimes be inconvenient, but are not automatically anti-social behaviour unless persistent:
- living or domestic noises including:
- ordinary conversation heard through walls or floors
- neighbours walking around their home as part of the normal use of their home
- domestic activities, such as vacuuming or using washing machines, that are being carried out in a reasonable and considerate manner
- noise from children playing
- parking disagreements
- one-off incidents of noise nuisance
- disputes on social media
- cooking odours
- one-off parties
- barking dogs (for short periods of time)
- bonfires - please see our What are the laws around bonfires? page for further guidance
What support do we offer?
Support for complainants
To support the wellbeing of our communities, the Council takes a strong stance against anti-social behaviour (ASB), where possible and in most cases, through informal actions and by offering support to help people improve their behaviour.
When a report of ASB is made we:
- will make regular contact including telephone calls or home visits from a dedicated housing officer
- will agree how regularly we will contact you to provide updates and support
- will work closely with other agencies such as Norfolk Police to ensure you have adequate support where appropriate
- may offer tenancy support to one or both parties to help with sustaining a tenancy and any other issues that may be a cause of behavioural issues or tension
Also, visit our Tenancy support page.
Support for perpetrators
Not all nuisance and ASB is caused deliberately and there can often be many different reasons why a person or a group of people act in an anti-social way. For example, there may be health reasons or personal reasons affecting that person's behaviour.
We only take legal action against those people who cause ASB as a last resort. From an early stage in an investigation our housing officers will try to determine whether those causing ASB need support or intervention to change their behaviour. If support needs are identified, we will work with an individual to assist them to change their behaviour and to stop causing a nuisance to others.
Examples of how we may support perpetrators of ASB to change their behaviour are as follows:
- referral to a variety of dedicated support agencies such as drug or alcohol support services or health services
- agree an Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC) or Good Neighbour Agreement (GNA) to record what type of behaviour is not acceptable
Support for witnesses
We aim to protect your neighbourhoods by taking legal action against anyone who is a threat to others, or who has refused to stop acting anti-socially.
As a witness to ASB you can help us take the appropriate action against the perpetrators, including legal action.
Where legal action is taken, we will provide intensive support throughout, including where a case needs to be heard in the courts. We may be able to:
- arrange pre-trial visits to the courts to familiarise you with the court and what will happen during the trial
- arrange transport to and from the court on the day of the trial
- provide a dedicated officer to remain with you throughout your court visit