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Council injunction leads to two-year jail term for anti-social behaviour

A man who harassed and threatened residents of a block of flats in Great Yarmouth has been handed a two-year jail term.

Ray Sim, 53, of Regent Street, Great Yarmouth plagued residents of the flats at Great Northern Close over a number of years.

He left blood, vomit, and urine in communal areas, and disrupted residents' lives with shouting, swearing, and banging on doors. He threatened a resident, and on one occasion was arrested and found to be in possession of a bladed article.

On Monday 4 April, Great Yarmouth magistrates sentenced him to a two-year prison sentence for repeated breaches of an anti-social behaviour injunction obtained by Great Yarmouth Borough Council to protect residents.

The sentence was the maximum possible in the case. He was also ordered to pay costs of £4,066.68.

Sim had previously been found guilty of breaching the order in November 2020, receiving a seven-week suspended sentence, and in January 2021, when he received a 12-month suspended sentence. 

Sim was subject to a number of injunctions over the period, following repeated complaints about his anti-social behaviour. The most recent injunction banned him from being in or entering the Great Northern Close area.

Great Yarmouth Borough Council housing and neighbourhoods committee chairman Cllr Andy Grant said: "Everyone should be able to enjoy their home in peace and safety and we will use all the tools available to us to look after residents. 

"The council works closely in partnership with Norfolk Constabulary to protect tenants affected by anti-social behaviour, and I thank the council's Tenancy Services Team and the police for their work in making our communities safer."

North Yarmouth Beat Manager PC Shane Carroll said: "Our safer neighbourhood team works in partnership with local residents and the borough council to support action like this. 

"This is one of a number of recent orders that will help make our town a better place to live. The outcome in this case has safeguarded a vulnerable victim, the neighbouring addresses and other members of the community who have been affected by Mr Sim's behaviour."

  • If you are affected by anti-social behaviour associated with a council property, please do not hesitate to contact the Tenancy Services Team by email on or call 01493 846839.
Last modified on 21 June 2023

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