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Discharge of condition details or confirmation of compliance with conditions

National validation checklist requirements for applications to discharge conditions
DocumentsWhen requiredGuidance
Application formAll applicationsStart an online application in the Planning Portal (opens new window).
Correct feeAll applications, unless discharging conditions from a listed building consentSee Planning Portal fee calculator (opens new window).
Supporting informationAll applicationsTo include the relevant details to discharge those conditions which are proposed to be discharged or details in support of the confirmation of compliance with conditions. Please see the local validation checklist for information on local validation requirements.
Local validation checklist requirements for applications to discharge conditions
DocumentsWhen requiredGuidance
Condition discharge statement

All applications where an application is being made to discharge a condition or conditions on a previous planning permission or consent.

A statement should be provided which sets out clearly which conditions are being discharged and the information that has been submitted in support of the condition discharge(s). This should list the specific plans/documents relevant to each condition being discharged.
Frequent requirements to discharge a condition
Drainage strategy including foul and surface water management

A report including plans/details/specifications setting out foul drainage and surface water drainage proposals. The proposals should demonstrate how surface water (including any flows originating off site will be managed within the site without resulting in flood risk to properties on or off the site) whilst considering the impact of climate change and the application of the drainage hierarchy. The proposals must also include information on ongoing maintenance and management. 

Norfolk County Council as local lead flood authority has provided guidance on surface water drainage (opens new window).

Relevant Local Plan policies:


  • CS1 c)
  • CS9 b)
  • CS11 h)
  • CS12 e) and f)


  • I3
  • A2
  • also see allocations within the Local Plan
Flood risk assessment

A report including plans identifying and quantifying the risk to the development; of all sources of flooding and providing site specific detail (geology/watercourse network/topography etc.) To inform the application of the drainage hierarchy to subsequent surface water drainage proposals. The assessment should demonstrate to the decision-maker how flood risk will be managed now and over the development's lifetime, taking climate change into account, and with regard to the vulnerability of its users.

The assessment should be supported by a flood warning and evacuation plan. The plan should identify the site's location, the risk of flooding and access and egress arrangements. It should identify what warning measures will be put in place and how occupants will be made aware of the risks. The plan should include detailed instructions to occupants about what to do in the event of a flood. The flood warning and evacuation plan and its implementation will be secured by planning condition.

Further guidance can be obtained below:

In respect of the requirements of e), Norfolk County Council - the lead local flood authority - has observed that a drainage strategy can vary between an initial approval and the point at which conditions are discharged, particularly if some time has elapsed between stages. Resubmitting the FRA consolidates site and risk information presenting a clear package of background information on which the drainage strategy proposed is based.

Relevant Local Plan policies:


  • CS1 c)
  • CS9 h)
  • CS11 h)
  • CS12 f)
  • CS13 (key policy)
  • CS14


  • E1
Landscape proposals

A plan showing the proposed site layout and location of proposed soft planting together with details of hard surface and boundary treatments. This shall be accompanied by a short statement setting out proposed future management and maintenance of soft landscaping.

For major applications (a) and other applications (c) the following hard and soft landscape detail is required.

Existing landscape details:

  1. a plan to scale showing precise location and canopy spread of all existing trees, hedgerows and other significant areas of vegetation on or adjoining the site
  2. particulars of those to be retained
  3. particulars of existing boundary treatments and forms of enclosure
  4. particulars of existing open watercourses or other aquatic features on the site

Soft landscape details:

  1. measures for ground preparation and cultivation
  2. earthworks and ground profiling, including existing and proposed finish levels and contours
  3. indicative planting proposals to scale showing areas and type of planting (e.g. trees, native shrubs, screen belt, ornamental planting, meadow); if applicable, details to incorporate mitigation and enhancement measures contained within related surveys (e.g. ecology, arboriculture)
  4. indications of any sustainable urban drainage (suds) features to be incorporated into the landscape (e.g. swales, basins, ponds)

Hard landscape details:

  1. materials for hard surfaces including vehicular and pedestrian areas 
  2. new boundary treatments including plot division within the site (type of feature, material and height e.g. 1.2m brick and flint wall)
  3. street furniture, (play equipment, bollards, signage, refuse bins, seating, etc)
  4. indicative external lighting proposals
  5. indicative security measures

Implementation and management details:

  1. an implementation program laying out a timescale for the completion of all landscape works
  2. a landscape management plan, stating management responsibilities and a schedule of maintenance and monitoring operations for all landscaped areas for a minimum of five years following implementation

For minor developments (b) the following detail is required.

Soft landscape details:

  1. existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows on the site, indicating those to be removed
  2. accurate plotting of those to be retained (including species and canopy spread), including measures for protection during the course of the development
  3. particulars of all new planting including: species, location, number and size of new trees and shrubs
  4. measures for protection of new planting
  5. particulars of the timescale for the completion of all landscape works

Hard landscape details:

  1. surface materials for vehicle and pedestrian areas
  2. boundary treatments, including hedging (species) fencing, walling

Relevant Local Plan policies:


  • CS1 f)
  • CS5 d)
  • CS9 a) and g)
  • CS10 a)
  • CS11 (key policy)
  • CS12 c)
  • CS15 g)


  • GSP6
  • L2
  • L3
  • E4
Last modified on 03 November 2022

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