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Great Yarmouth households have the opportunity to discover trees this New Year with free guides from national environmental charity

Households in Great Yarmouth are invited to join thousands of people in coastal towns who are getting out and about this winter to learn more about their neighbourhood trees and how they can help protect the environment.

Go Trade partners in England and France support local markets through Covid and preparations for Christmas

Towns across England and France have been supporting their market traders to connect back with the customers after COVID-19 health and safety measures impacted footfall, with the support of the Go Trade project.

The 'Out There' Festival draws a crowd of positivity

The weather was kind, and the mood was buoyant as visitors, artists, crew, volunteers, vendors and the seaside town were more than ready for the Out There Festival 2021 which was missed last year due to lockdown.

Equinor consolidates Norfolk wind operations to position for future growth

Equinor, operator of Dudgeon and Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farms off the Norfolk coast, has today announced it will combine the operations for both wind farms into one hub in Great Yarmouth.

Enhanced testing to be deployed in Hemsby, Ormesby, Somerton and Winterton in East Norfolk

Young people and adults living and working in designated coastal parishes in the east of Norfolk are being asked to get tested from Thursday, 22 July after a rapid rise in Covid-19 cases in recent weeks.

First step in major project to boost region's offshore energy sector

Today sees the first step in a major project to boost the region's offshore energy sector as demolition work begins on South Denes Road to facilitate the creation of a new £18 million Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Campus for Great Yarmouth.

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