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  • Business, land and property

    Business support and advice, details on business rates, the local economy, licensing premises, commercial property for rent, land and property ownership interac...

  • Tourism, leisure and venue hire

    Find information on tourism, beaches, heritage and the arts, sports facilities/grants and venue/conference hire around the Great Yarmouth borough.

  • Housing

    Includes housing benefit and financial support, private rented housing advice, housing information for council tenants and details on the empty homes and home e...

  • Report a street problem

    Tell us about a problem on your street or in your neighbourhood using the Love Clean Streets app

  • Revenues and Benefits Online Portal

    The Revenues and Benefits Portal gives you access to be able to view your Council Tax account, Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support claim, Business Rates account...

  • Search planning applications


  • Parking and roads

    We offer pay and display cark parks as well as a residents' parking scheme. Find out where you can park in the Borough, how to pre-pay for a car park space, exe...

  • Parking and roads - Parking overview

    We offer pay and display cark parks as well as a residents' parking scheme. Find out where you can park in the borough, how to pre-pay for a car park space, exe...

  • Protecting people and the environment

    Overview of conservation areas and tree preservation orders within the borough and how the Council can assist in tackling nuisance and pollution, pest control a...

  • Pay online

    You may make a variety of payments using our 24 hour secure Internet payments service, with most major credit or debit cards accepted including Visa, Mastercard...

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